Chapter 25 - At work❤️

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I check my phone about a million times before Tuesday afternoon. There's no message from Wes. Not that I was expecting any.

I arrive at the Den as usual. Ms Tina gives us instructions and leaves and it's just me and Wes.

"I want to thank you again," he says.

"Sure. Max is a good dog."

"Well, apart from destroying the pillow."


There's a strange atmosphere between us all afternoon but customers and cleaning keep us busy until it's time to close.

"You were right about Chloe," Wes says as I'm tidying behind the register.


"She was cheating on me."

"Oh." I bite my lip. "I'm sorry." He looks so sad and I don't like it.

"It shouldn't matter anymore. We're not together."

"It still sucks." He must have cared deeply for her. They were together for a long time. I tell myself it's only natural to be upset when you find out someone has been cheating on you. But somehow, I wish he didn't care so much.

I finish tidying, and he checks the time and turns off the lights.

"How's Max?" I ask.

"Fine, I think."

"You're not sure?"

He stares out the windows to the parking lot outside the Den. "I think Chloe insisted on taking Max more to hurt me than because she wanted her."

"Maybe you should have kept her?"

He shakes his head. "I'd love to have a dog. But I can't take care of a puppy with hockey taking up so much time. I have away games and long practices. It wouldn't be right. It made sense to let Chloe have her because I can't be the best home she needs."

I have nothing to say to that. Puppies need attention. And I can't argue with his schedule. I know it's intense. It has to be, because this is his future. His dream.

"I'll see you Thursday."

I grab my purse from the back and walk past him to leave.

"I can't stop thinking about waking up next to you."

I stop in my tracks.

"The way your body felt against mine."

I inhale. Just like that, the chemistry between us is back.

"You two still here?" Kevin asks as he peaks his head in.

"We're just about to close," Wes says.

"Good, good. Have a nice night." Kevin raises a hand in greeting and whistles badly as he continues his route.

"He won't be back for at least 20 minutes," Wes says in a low voice.

I suck in a breath and face him. "Here?"

"Are you still on your period?"

I shake my head. "No."

A grin spreads across his face as he places a hand on my waist.

"I've been looking at this body all day." His eyes take me in and I can feel them devouring me.

When he leans in to kiss me, I'm eager. Our lips taste as our hands explore. I run my fingers around his neck and up into his hair. His hands move along my back, pulling me close.

Just a Pucking Prank [COMPLETED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora