Chapter 20 - Realization

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I come hard for a third time as Wes presses me up against the wall. This second time was frantic and eager. And rougher.

I squeeze my legs around his waist as he finishes inside me and close my eyes.

I'm stuck between Wes and the wall and I don't want to move. His face is nestled in my neck and I love the way his breath feels on my sweaty skin.

"Holy fuck, that was awesome." He straightens a bit. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

I smile and kiss him. "Not a chance."

He reaches down to pull out of me and I almost feel sad. Usually, at this point, I'm halfway out the door. But I like the way his arms feel around me. Which is not something he will ever know.

I drop my legs and steady myself against the wall, closing my eyes and squirming slightly in the aftermath as Wes disappears into the bathroom again.

This is getting dangerous. My eyes fly open and I spot my dress. I need to get out of here. I put on my dress and manage to get it zipped. My panties are nowhere to be seen. I look around the room, trying to spot them as I put on my shoes.

Wes appears and I could swear there's a hint of disappointment in his face at me not being naked. Well, too bad. This is all he gets today.

"I should go before your roommates come back." I run my fingers through my hair, trying to sort out the locks.

"They won't be back for hours." He says it conversationally, as if we didn't just fuck against the wall. But he's already pulling on his pants.

I'm not quite sure what to say. So I walk ahead of him down the stairs as he pulls on a t-shirt. 'Thank you' seems... odd.

I almost groan as I walk, knowing I'll be feeling this encounter in the morning. That second time was no-holds-barred. He thrust into me so hard I thought we were about to break the wall. But it was worth it.

When we reach the bottom of the stairs, I pause and check my purse.

"I had a good time," he says.

I smile. "I did too."

"Do you need a ride home?"

Maybe he's not too bad when he's not acting like an asshole.

"No, I'm good." I straighten out the skirt, wondering what now.

"So, should we do this again?" he asks.

Before I can answer, there's a sound and his eyes dart toward the kitchen. I hear it too. It's a door opening and someone talking.

I'm about to take a deep breath and face the firing squad when Wes leans past me and opens a door. I barely stay on my feet as he shoves me back. The room is dark, but by the quick glance I got, I know it's a bathroom.

"What are you doing here?" Wes asks on the other side of the door. "I thought you were staying out late?"

"We are," someone says, barely containing their laughter. "But the server dropped a bowl of soup on JD."

"Shut it." JD snaps. "It's not funny."

"It is a little," the first voice says. "Anyway, he needs to shower, because we are not spending the night with someone who smells of shrimp bisque."

There's some more muffled conversation and footsteps up the stairs. I wait, seething at what just happened. Rather than having to explain me to his friends, he showed me in a dark bathroom.

I had almost forgotten that he thinks I'm beneath him. But it would make sense he wouldn't want his friends to know he's sleeping with me.

I shake my head. He just had to hide me away.

What happened in his bedroom was an anomaly. It was a brief moment when he didn't act like a dick. I'm just his dirty secret, like chip sandwiches or porn. Something he hides away and feels ashamed over.

Frustration and anger take hold of me in the dark as there is more muffled conversation.

Finally, I hear a second set of footsteps going upstairs and the door cracks open.

"Come on," he says with a hushed voice. "You can leave now."

I take a deep breath. Fine, if he wants me to keep this a secret, I will. But it is not winning him any points in my book. If he hadn't just given me three amazing orgasms, I probably would be shouting at him.

He hurries ahead of me and opens the front door. I push past him, ready to get out of there. But he grabs my arm and for a moment, I think he wants to kiss me. I can't. So I turn away.

"I should go," I say in an icy voice.


That's all he says. I walk quickly down the steps and toward the nearest bus stop.

Only the breeze reminding me I have no panties and the smell of him on my skin remains. And the anger. I shouldn't have given him the benefit of the doubt. I should have known he'd be an asshole about it.

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