Chapter 19: Cole?

Start from the beginning

Lee shakily nods her head. "But sir, wouldn't Tabitha know something's up if Max is gone?" She asks, her ears drooping with worry. "I don't know how I feel about this."

This is when Max decided to step in.

"Dad, I have to side with Lee on this." The young prince says with a frown. "What if mom finds out? She's already upset as it is right now, so doing this might cause her to go ballistic."

Cole scoffs at his son's response. "Max, kid, your mom used to do stuff like this all the time when she was younger, remember?" He admits with a raised eyebrow. "Does Camp Campbell ring any bells?"

Max, with a small grin, smiles at the memory. Tabitha; back in her former years, used to disobey all the rules at Camp Campbell- the summer camp they met Max in- just so the kids could have fun. There were many times where she got caught by the other councilors there, but all her mischief was in good intention for the children staying for the summer.

Especially Max. He had been a special case for Tabitha. She wanted to get to know the angry child that seemed to hate everything about the camp they were in. She managed to give him proper affection for a kid who's been neglected of those things for most of their life, and in return were the adoption papers that Max printed out his very self.

With a embarrassed smile, Max nods his head at Cole's idea. "Sure, I'll do it." He says while grinning proudly now. "Just let me get ready for the ceremony, 'cause Mom wants us to attend the Walter's de-vamping."

It was a large shock hearing that which was quickly blown over. Tabitha- in Cole's opinion- was now being a bit dramatic. However, he could understand how she was feeling, so with a gruntled sigh Cole nods and lets his son go. Lee soon follows the young prince.

Cole was left alone in the Study for a bit prior to groaning in agitation, and cracking his back once more. He decides to head back to his room, hoping to change Tabitha's mind about the ceremony. Grabbing his blanket and pillow, Cole walks out of the Study and walks down the halls to his room, trying his best to think of something to not upset the angry Queen. Passing through by one last corridor Cole finally makes it to his room.

Taking a breath, he grabs hold of the knob and pulls on it.

Nothing happened.

He tugs once more.

"Dammit!" Cole growls. "Of course she locked it." He uses his powers to teleport into the bedroom to find that Tabitha was getting ready for the ceremony.

Upon seeing her husband, Tabitha stares at him with mild disinterest as she unbuttoned the dress shirt she had on last night. Cole grumbles slightly at her attitude, walking over to the bed to drop his things off before going to the closet to grab some clothes for later. Walking out of it with a fresh set of clean garments Cole heads over back to the bed to get changed. Tabitha, putting on her shirt, takes one look back at her husband before saying something.

"Where did you sleep?" She asks him with a blank tone.

"The Study." He tells her trying to match her tone.


More silence.

"I'm gonna need you're help with the ceremony, y'know." Tabitha admits with a sigh while placing on some slip on flats. "I can't do this without you. It might kill me if I do it alone and you know it." She tells him with a tiny bit a emotion. "Please don't fight me on this decision. I know Walter is your friend but what he did was unforgivable."

This seemed to erupt something in Cole. Quickly getting up from the bed he starts the argument once more.

"I know that but why won't you try to prove his innocence! You used to always do that!" He hisses angrily. "Walter said that Noah planned to kill his kids if he didn't do that, so why don't we try focusing on capturing Noah than framing Walter?" Cole starts to march over to Tabitha who stood their ground, not afraid of his fury as if expecting this. "Tell me why de-vamping Walter is so beneficial. How is Phillippio's death important to this war? What secrets are you keeping from me?! Tell me NOW!"

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