Brushing her soft dark hair out of her face I caress her bandaged face as her other eye stays softly closed, I sigh softly as I watch her shoulders rise and fall slowly. Tears pick my eyes as I think about how much she's gone through and how she doesn't deserve it. She's only a kid. My kid. My Ella. She doesn't deserve anything that's happened to her.. but, now I can give her everything she's ever wanted.

All I wish to do is squeeze her tightly in my arms and not let go. But I can't.

Looking at my daughter I feel slightly sick at how small and fragile she looks... She's always been small like her mother, 5'3, and the last I heard she was 110lbs.

Now she looks as small as a baby, she's always been skinny in my eyes. But that she ever agreed with me but now.. she barely even has any muscle on her.

To be fair she does have a large hoodie on and I can't see under the thick duvet and blankets covering her but the wrist I can see.. the one not in a cast and with the many many wired going in and out and whatever looks tiny.

I could probably wrap my pinky finger around it.

And the half of her face I can see looks tired and sore, the swelling's probably gone down a lot too.. hopefully I can help her eat to feel better about herself. She's always had a small thing about food. Hopefully that was just because of my cooking and not her thinking negatively about herself. I don't want her to ever think she's not amazing.

Standing to my full height I wipe the tears from my cheeks and walk to the walk in wardrobe opposite the foot of the bed, going in I find Ella's bags of things and take out her old favourite teddy.

I got it for her at the airport when we first landed in England, she hadn't stopped crying for her mum and our family and finally fell asleep when she first held it. She called him Murphy and he's always stayed in her bed since she grew out of playing with her toys.

Going back into the room I place the old, brown, floppy dog under her arm and move to the opposite side of the bed and lay down. Not near her so if she wakes up she doesn't get upset because I'm touching her but hopefully close enough so she can see me and know who I am.

Opening my phone again I see a missed call from Becky, my heart drops as I immediately call her back. After three rings I hear her voice, "god Anthony I was worried for a while! You haven't answered any texts or calls for the past week!"

"I-I'm sorry Becky I just got caught up with stuff," I say as I try make her less mad at me, "we haven't had any updates from the police and Lauren's not doing so well again, d-do you know anything.?"

"Beck are you sat down?" I ask and she takes a big breath, "yeah..?" Her voice breaks softly and I wipe yet another tear from my cheek.

"A-a couple days ago.. on Monday morning.. a girl was found unconscious near a small town in Russia.. um- she matched Ellas description and we got the blood work back yesterday morning.." I sniffle as Becky stays silent, "she's back with me now.. I-I was just gonna call you," my voice breaks and my heart pains as she sobs on the other end of the line.

"Oh my god, I-is she awake? Is she okay? W-what happened.? W-wait- Russia?" She continues to ask questions before I answer, "beck, she's still asleep, she woke up but hasn't said anything or anything like that.. uh she's asleep next to me now b-but she'll be okay, my family has all of the best coming to check her and if she's okay. I-I already have her signed for therapy- and my nephew, Charlie, is a doctor and has already set up everything she needs," I say and take a big deep breath as she falls silent again.

"You-you haven't talked to her yet?" I shake my head like she can see me before I remember she's not with me, "No," my voice breaks as I hear her sigh through the phone, "a-are you okay?" I pause at her question.

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