38. Gossip

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Deep Fake- Architects

I follow her to one of the many dressing rooms in the castle. I had never been in this one and noticed that it was in a secluded hallway. There is no one else in the wing except her and I. This must be serious.

"I need to apologize. I should not have shut you out at such a critical moment in our operation. I brought you here to show you exactly what I found in Serena's mind." She looks deeply ashamed at her moment of weakness and I can't help but chuckle. She looks at me with irritation and I rush to explain.

"There is nothing to apologize for. What happened in there is pretty much what I imagine anyone would do. You were in shock and moved to protect yourself. I don't need you to open your mind to me and relive those things. But I do have something to ask you." As I'm speaking, I remember my thought about having her lead my Queen's guard. I trust her with my life, I've seen inside her mind and I've been beside her in battle. Her eyebrows draw together in confusion at my seriousness. "If you would like to, I would love to have you lead my guard."

Her mouth pops open in a surprised o and I laugh to myself. She could never disguise how she felt because her face was so easy to read. She was just an expressionistic person. That's how she communicated. I can tell she is honored by my request, but something is bothering her.

"I can't leave Cody." She says solemnly. Like I wouldn't want her to bring him with her. I roll my eyes at her and cross my arms.

"Do you really think I would ask you to leave your mate behind? Of course, you would both stay here and if it makes him feel better, he can work as an instructor here." I say, recalling that her mate is an instructor in their community. She smiles big and throws her arms around me. I do the same and thank whoever is out there for sending me her. I never really had girls that were friends back home and it was nice to have her. She was honest and caring and full of honor. I knew I could count on her to tell me when I was full of shit or making a bad decision. I knew I could count on her unwavering loyalty and I couldn't wait to be there for her as well. We just clicked. I felt as though I had known her for an eternity. Although, I guess that's what happens when you mind link with someone and all of the dirty laundry is aired out.

"I would be honored to lead your Queen's Guard, Your Majesty." Always with the formalities, she bows her head to me. Getting up, that pervy look returns to her face. "Now, tell me everything." She leads me to the chair and begins doing my hair, looking in the mirror expectantly.

"Honestly, Mason is like nothing I've ever experienced. I've always been very dominant and there was no way in hell I would ever be able to dominate him. He's absolutely terrifying and sexy at the same time. He told me to apologize to him and of course, no one tells me what to do. You know what he did?" I leave her hanging and wait for her to respond. Her face has been all over the place. From awe to now anticipation.

"Seriously? Of course, I want to know. Just get on with it." She says when she realizes I won't continue without an answer.

"He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. Then he threw me on the bed and shoved my face into the mattress. And he cropped me! My ass is so sore right now I could cry." Her face is shocked and she looks like she doesn't believe me. I sense Sebastian lurking, knowing he is listening, and eggs me on to act out. I want him to know how good the other two were. I want him to know how much he's missing out on.

"No way. That definitely didn't happen." She is in disbelief as I stand up and slide my leggings over my ass. I hear her gasp as she looks. "No fucking way! You dirty pervert. Did you like it?" She wants more details and I am beyond excited to have someone to share them with.

"Well let's just say, I ended up apologizing. And like I said, normally I'm very dominant with Kurt as well. Mason had Kurt join in and I swear to god he was dominating him at the same time. It was magical. Afterward, he was so sweet. He brought me water and a black rose and an ice pack for my ass. Then they both gave me a massage!" I'm getting excited just talking to her about it.

"I just wish Sebastian had been there," I say with a pang of hurt. She was drinking in the information I was giving her and was nearly as excited as I was. Not in the same way, of course. It was nice to share things with her that I wouldn't dream of sharing with anyone. I felt carefree with someone other than my mates for the first time in a long time.

"What's the deal with you two anyways?" She asks me with a side eye.

"I honestly have no clue," I say, making sure he's still listening to our conversation. I want him to understand the consequences of his actions. "He just doesn't seem interested. The sex is great though." The last part was petty, but the smoke lingered just beneath my skin. That would teach him not to listen to my conversations.

"What an ass." She's shaking her head in disapproval but decides to change the subject. "Your hair is done. You need to hurry up and get back in your gown. I don't think you should put makeup on though. The Witches could see it as deceitful. They are all about the natural side of things. How are you going to deal with the current events?" She questions anxiously. I feel Sebastian's anger rolling off of him in waves. A small but vicious smile plays at the corner of my mouth. The smoke is closer than I thought. I take a few calming breaths and try my best to center myself.

"I think the best approach is telling the truth. There is no vicious Vampire who is going to come and take them away in their sleep. As far as the matter of your father, how we handle this is completely up to you." She looks at me as if I had lost my mind.

"Why me?" Her voice is strong, but I can hear the strain in it. She doesn't want to make this decision, but I trust her to make it. I just look back at her while her face goes through a circus of emotions. It is her father and I will not air out all of her family business if she doesn't think it is best. She knows her people better than I ever will. "I think it would be best to let them know that there is a traitor, but not to let them know who. There may be people who will want to join my father and I don't want to start a rebellion. That's the last thing we need."

I nod to her. It makes sense. I quickly put on my gown, leaving my royal purple stilettos on. I give myself a quick once over in the mirror and realize that she has made a crown of flowers out of my hair. Wildflowers peak out in every direction and I've never felt more beautiful.

"Thank you, Siobhan. You have made me look stunning." I say to her, truly grateful.

"I didn't make you look stunning, Mayslee. I just added to what was already there. Enough procrastinating, let's go meet your people." She says quickly, embarrassed by my thanks. She takes my arm and guides me back to my room to pick up Kurt and Mason. I am shocked to see a third person waiting with them- Sebastian. They are waiting outside the door, looking absolutely ravishing. All black suits with royal purple ties to match my heels. The top of Mason's hair is pulled back and Kurt's is slicked back against his head. I'm almost drooling as we approach them. They both unleash smiles on me that make my heart stutter.

Sebastian is looking quite devilish in his all-black suit. I am honestly touched that he is here. He must've gotten the hint from listening to our conversation. I send him a small thank you, just to let him know how much I appreciate him being here with me. To be honest, the smoke gives me confidence and it was easier to call to the surface with Sebastian around. He flashes me a brilliant smile and asks me if after everything is over we can talk. I am concerned, but of course, say yes.

"You three need to walk behind us." I begin to protest, but she cuts me off. "They are too distracting, you need to focus on making a good impression. You can't do that while you're drooling."

"It's okay. The view from back here is great." As Mason speaks these words, his strong hand strikes my ass causing me to yelp in pain and become drenched at the same time. Kurt chuckles and Sebastian is still fuming.

"So help me, you will behave or you will not come." Siobhan turns to them and stops. She seems to grow several feet and looms over them menacingly. I thank her silently because while I love their antics, I really do need to concentrate. All three of the men raise their hands in surrender and she grumbles to herself as we continue to the balcony I will do my address on. "Now, there are about ten thousand people in attendance and you will also be broadcast to every other supernatural being who wants to listen in. Don't forget, tell them of the troubles, dismiss the rumors about Vampires, and tell them about my new position."

I take mental note of all of those and silently thank her again. She is a lifesaver. I take a deep breath and walk through the balcony doors. I was not ready for the sheer amount of people in front of me. They were all looking to me for guidance and with the people behind me, Siobhan, Sebastian, Kurt, and Mason, I knew I would be able to do right by them.

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