😂👀 don't know who you're
talking to with that tone young

Glad to hear that you made it safely.

You know very well that
I'm talking to you😌. I'm sure that
you are just itching for me to drop into Chicago.


That's good to hear, I love that. I also must be stuck in history when it comes to other things in your life, because that smile on your face while texting tells me something." She smirked, bringing her car to life.

"That part of my life is still in the oven, not ready to be broadcasted to the world. Don't worry though, you'll be the first to know." She didn't take her eyes off her phone as she watched the bubbles dance on her screen again.

She absolutely loved that Hendrichs never took time to respond to her text messages. The type of energy he was on made her feel like the queen that she definitely was - because she'd never had a man who prioritized communicating with her in the way that Hendrichs did.

Since he'd come to see her in Boston, he never let a day pass by without sending a message, and calling in the evening - even if it was just a call to let Shane know that he was dog tired, and would properly talk to her the following day.

Quite frankly, I'm dreading
your return🙃 it's been drama free
since you left.

😙keep that same energy
when you bump into me in 'your city'
and I don't tell you.

The gag is...I have your bike
parked in my garage😎 so who
has the power here?

God gave me legs to walk,
keep the bike, I don't need it.

"You're killing me here with the never ending smiles." Annalise groaned, a slight giggle leaving her mouth. "I'm not gonna tell anyone. Who's got you smiling like that?"

Shane immediately locked her screen, feeling the petty rising up in her. Though this was playful banter between herself and Hendrichs, she definitely wanted him to chase after her now. Beg for her attention - since he wanted to be saucy.

"I'm talking to a guy. We'll call him Bob for now. We've been talking for like a month or something. That's all I'm saying. I've got my phone on do not disturb now though - tell me about you. Catch me up to your life. What's going on with Annalise?" She leaned against the headrest of her seat, facing Annalise so she could observe her facial expressions.

"Last question before I talk about myself...do I know Bob?" The smirk continuously grew on Annalise's face, and Shane could only shake her head at her curiosity. It's not that she didn't want to tell Annalise, she just didn't see the need to tell her. It was really on a need to know basis.

"Yes you know Bob." Shane answered truthfully, "Is there a Bob in your life?"

"No!! I need to know. Is it Logan?" Annalise asked again, completely dodging Shane's question.

"You said that was your last question. I'm not answering any other Bob-related questions."

"Fair..." she pouted with a small sigh. "I don't have boy luck, in case you hadn't noticed, haven't had a Bob in ages."

"Lies! You're so pretty though!" Shane responded, watching the slight sadness that now covered Annalise's face.

"Apparently not to the men that walk on the face of this planet..." she breathed again, "but it's all good. All in due time. Maybe I'll have my parents finally arrange my marriage like they initially planned to."

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