"That eager to see me princess?" I interrupt her before she starts to ogle me too much. I still don't know why she is here and finding her here made my night more interesting that the way it was going, so I won't complain that I'm here stuck with her.

She rolls her eyes at me. That doesn't hide the lust pooling around her eyes. I try to hide my smirk as I notice it. Yet again she is not the only one feeling it.

I am not blind, and obviously not stupid enough to not realize when I find an attractive woman in front of me.

She looks down giving me an annoyed stare. "My dagger? How original." Even if she tries to cast me annoyed uninterested looks, I can tell that the eye contact I am giving her is making her uncomfortable. She however doesn't back down, keeping that eye contact even in this vulnerable moment.

What an interesting little thing.

I decide to test her and escalate things further by removing her cover, she doesn't budge letting me take her mask off. I can't help but caress her face, going from her cheeks ending on her chin. Melting as I feel how soft her skin feels in contrast of my calloused hand. 

"Did you receive the gift I sent you?" Confusion sits on her face accompanied by realization not even 4 seconds later. Of course, she received it, I made sure of it.

The day she killed 5 of my men she declared war on me and my family. I just had to gift her something in change of the dagger she left behind, I had to show my gratitude. I may be a cold-blooded killer, but I have manners.

Seeing she enjoyed Giovanni's company so much, I decided she should just keep his heart. I didn't need him anymore, plus I never trusted him that much. Sure, he did his job well in that club, but that's about it.

He wouldn't be missed.

"You were the one that sent me a heart?  A real one?" I smile at her tone. Atta girl.

It surprises me she didn't find out sooner. I left a note and alongside the heart. 

I wasn't going to let her get away so soon. "Why are you following me? Are you stalking me Arya?" She seems embarrassed as soon as I said those words. But she quickly covers it, not leaving a trace of whatever came across on her mind.

What is inside that pretty kind of yours Arya?

She thinks of something smart to say but we both freeze upon hearing Sven's voice, so we were indeed spying at the same people. Why didn't I think of that before? I guess we are on the same team. 

Just for today.

"If you want to get out of her alive follow me" I whisper to her as I take her hand. I hear her mutter something in Spanish, but she doesn't let go of me.

Thinking quickly, I open the women's bathroom, surprisingly there is no one there, pushing us both inside one stall. Waiting until we hear Sven's footsteps disappear.

We are so close I can hear her breathing, even her heartbeat. Her heart beating faster every second our bodies are pressed by each other. The blood pumping in and out of her body goes straight to her cheeks, getting redder by the second.

Her sympathetic nervous system activates as I notice her hyperventilating, I am hyperventilating too, trying to calm by doing breathing exercises, her pupils are dilated I am sure mine are too. The rush feels great, the adrenaline surging through my veins by every beat my heart takes.

We may get caught; we are severely outnumbered.

Paired up to my declared enemy, yet in this situation we have no option other than trust each other. 

I hear footsteps approaching and my first instinct is to cover her mouth, so they can't hear her breathing. We are facing one another, so I just step closer to her if that's even possible to do. Taking my right hand I push it into her face, covering her mouth and nose with force to make sure no sound comes out. To make sure she doesn't fall down I situate my left hand behind her head, so it rests on it. 

"Whoever is hiding in there you better get out, can't promise it will be alive, rumor has it someone has been spying on us all night." His thick British accent is accompanied by the sound of his clocked gun. 

I push her behind me with force. Opening the bathroom stall with my foot and shoot without looking. The shot lands right between his eyes. And in that exact moment I know exactly what to do. 

"Run" I internally smile noticing she got her gun out already. Brava ragazza.

I see 4 men entering the bathroom. Throwing the dagger at one of them instantly landing on his chest.  While Arya shots two of them, I lose my sigh on the other one. 

The bathroom quickly becomes a blood bath. 

"De Luca, what a surprise." Sven's right-hand man says, not being able to see him, since he is hiding in one of the stalls. I kick each one trying to find him. 

"A pleasant one I imagine." I continue to kick each bathroom stall. Until I see movement coming from the corner of my eye. Another man entered the bathroom. Not being able to respond quickly enough he shots his gun on me. Thankfully, the shot landed on my shoulder. I fall at the same time the shot lands. Gripping my wound with force. I would survive but this hurt like a bitch. 

Arya looks alarmed at me, but at the same time, Svens right hand man opens the stall and attacks her. For one moment I think I may need to come to her rescue, but quickly enough, Arya defends herself, giving him enough scars that man won't be able to forget about her. 

Arya ends up on top of the huge man. that right now just looks like a blooded boulder and gives him his killing shot. She walks up to me. 

I shout at her as I see Sven entering the bathroom, his gun pointing at her.

"Arya?" He confusedly says as she faces him. 

Without thinking I try to take a shot at him, but he is quick enough to leave running out of the bathroom. 

We take some time to calm ourselves down, surprisingly no one in the restaurant comes to see what had happened. probably owned by the mafia. 

"Are you going to try to kill me now De Luca?" She points her gun at me. She is going to regret that when I decide to get rid of her. 

"What about another truce princess? We get rid of Serbians and their allies, and we can continue our little game we have going on?" Even if I don't want to admit it, having her on my side would make everything easier, and faster than doing it alone. 

She thinks for a moment, I am surprised she didn't upright refuse my offer. 

"And why would I trust you, last time I did you double crossed me?" Good point.

"Shoot me if you don't trust me, but you and I both know this is better for our mafias."

She continues to point the gun at me, I even think she will end up shooting me. But a small nod with her head, and her lowering the gun she was pointing is enough for me to know that we have a deal.                    

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