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Okay off topic but seven explicit version ate

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Okay off topic but seven explicit version ate.!

☆:**✿.。.:** ☆:**✿.。.:** ☆:**✿.。.:**:☆

You stood there not exactly sure what to tell Taehyung. You came here for a vacation not to basically work and going to an event meant work. But the next question he asked caught your full attention. "Are you and Jungkook a thing or were you ever a thing?" He turned his head to the side waiting for your answer. "Um no we're not he's my best friend. I ah why do you ask?" You gave him a confused look as he played with his hands.

"I was just curious it kind of looked like it and I didn't want to assume anything." You both begin walking towards the car again before you spoke up. "We've always been closer then normal friends are. We basically grew up together and he's always been there for me no matter what the situation was. Some people might think it's weird but it's just how we are." Taehyung put his hands in his pockets and shook his head.

As you got to the car you jumped on Jungkooks back catching him off guard. He was talking with Yoongi and Nali. A loud chuckle escapes from his lips when you lay your chin on top of his head. He then wrapped his arms around your legs and started spinning around. You laughed as you held onto his broad shoulders. "Okay okay stop I'm dizzy." You continue to laugh while hitting his shoulder as the other held onto him tightly. He stops and squats down letting you get off his back.

Once you got off Jungkooks back he stood up and drank from his water bottle. He was about to close it before you put your hand out for it making grabby hands. He smiled and gave you his water bottle for you to drink. "Your such a big baby y/n." You laughed at his comment before taking a big drink and giving it back. Then you both got into the car and waited for everyone else to get in.

As your sitting in the car next to Jungkook you grab your phone from your purse. When you unlocked your phone the random message you didn't get the chance to read was still on the screen. Before reading it you looked at the number it didn't look familiar at all. A chill ran down your spine. Something about this didn't feel right to you. It was to random and you haven't given your new number to anyone but friends , family, and some coworkers.


xxx-xxx-xxxx ~
I'll have you all In due
time my y/n.

The message was short and simple. But what did it mean? Who was behind the screen? You didn't know if you should be scared or not. But instead of worrying you didn't bother to reply instead you tried to ignore it. But the message kept repeating in your head. 'I'll have you all in due time my y/n.' You decided not to worry about it and just focus on your friends. "Are you okay?" Jungkooks voice cut your thoughts off. "I'm fine just ready to finally get to tae's house." He nodded and you both relaxed.

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