"Looking forward to it," you smiled and went in, watching him sit again and crack his neck before grabbing the steering wheel.

Started very good, first sector in green, face steady and fully focused. Second sector in yellow, made him groan and frown, pushing harder and tightening the grasp on the wheel.

"Move B13, George." His engineer said and he went for it. "1:11:453, amazing job."

"Yes team!" He exclaimed and clapped happily. "I can go home and be in peace now!" He stood up and went towards your area. "You bring me luck, I know it."

"That's why I stayed," you nodded and high fived him again.

After a few briefing notes, you hopped onto the car and drove back to George's.

"Tired?" You asked.

"I was thinking," he started. "Are you still hungry for that pub burger?"

"At home? I'm always hungry for pub burgers..."

"Then let's go, shower, have some proper tea and head out for dinner and some pub food quiz, sound good?"

You chuckled. "Aren't you tired?"

"Nah, driving doesn't tire me, it makes me hungry. And I have been hungry since you mentioned the burger today!" He laughed.

"Okay then, it's a plan! But I have to warn you. I amaze at pub quizzes!"

"Good, because I'm shit at it!"

You went to a pub near his house, just a short six block walk, to a place where he always went with friends and he'd be among them with no danger of being too exposed. Everyone knew the youngest of the Russell's.

"I understand that, but one of us should be responsible and not drink that much," you told him. "Things could still happen..."

"I won't drink that much, had an intense day and probably lost a bit of weight so it wouldn't be the best idea," George explained. "I'll take care of you."

You chuckled. "Thanks, won't drink that much either, it was just to set the PR limits."

He saluted you and smiled as he went inside. Someone already received you with a piece of paper to start the quiz and the menu. You ordered and waited for the questions to start.

"Since all you did was show off how good you are at quizzes, let's make it interesting," George proposed.

You narrowed your eyes at him. "How?"

"Whenever you miss an answer, you drink a three second sip," he said.

"And if I don't miss?"

"I will drink."

You extended your hand to him. "Deal!"

"On what continent would you find the city of Baku?"

"Asia!!" You both screamed the answer and laughed.

"How many European capitals does the Danube flow through?"

"Um... Vienna, one..." you started. George then started to make a silly dance and poke you on the arm. "That's cheating!" You accused him and laughed. "Budapest... stop it!"

"Times up!" The quiz master said.

You then had a discussion about how he shouldn't distract you, then George saying you never stated how he was going to win the bet. It ended in nothing so the game continued and you'd have to focus harder, which proved to be difficult, since George took out the big guns.

"What character have both Robert Downey Jr. and Benedict Cumberbatch played?"

You knew you had to write 'Sherlock Holmes' right away, but George leaned over the paper and a strand of his perfectly styled hair fell over his face and he used his hand to put it back on its place. It was way more distracting than anything he could've tried.

"Times up!"

George looked at you. "You knew this one! Don't you love Sherlock?"

"Fuck, that's the answer!" You acted as if it slipped off your mind instead of only thinking of his hair.

You had to drink one more time.

"What character have both Glenn Close and Emma Stone played?"

"The... the.... Ahhhh what was the name?" George tried and again played with his hair, parting it in two to try and say "The Dalmatians movie!"

"Cruella!" You said and wrote it on the paper. "Your hair!" You laughed and helped him style it back. George let you do it and smiled softly as you did it, funnily enough making you lose two questions you two never heard.

It goes without saying that you ended up quite drunk, because George noticed you getting distracted by him and almost every question was lost with him playing with his hair or giving you charming smiles. You would giggle and try to write the answers but the time was done most times without any answers.

It was a problem, and not for the quiz.

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