Chapter 1341 - 1350

Start from the beginning

  On social forums, the posts are all about calling for help.

  [Ah, ah, help! I was stuck in school and couldn't get out. My parents insisted on driving to pick me up. How should I persuade them not to come? ]

  [Crazy, there is a serious traffic jam on Daguan Road, how the hell am I going back? 】

  【I was bitten, so I won't be infected, right? 】

  【Help! I'm on the third floor of XX shopping mall. If anyone can save me, I'll give him 300,000 yuan! ]


  Tens of thousands of posts are refreshed in a second. Without programmers to expand the capacity, the forum collapsed not long after.

  (end of this chapter)

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  Chapter 1342 The Licheng crisis 18
  forum collapsed, and Fu Anan had to turn on the TV.

  The press conference inside was broadcasting the incident. The official media called these monster-like people zombies, and they were the crisis brought about by the ship that disappeared from country N for three months.

  Once these people are bitten, they will die within a minute. Viruses are prowling around looking for whomever they want to change, so headshots are a must for a complete kill. At present, Licheng has suspended airport departures, subways, trains and other transportation, and rural towns that are very close to here have also begun to evacuate. The army closest to here has rushed to set up roadblocks to completely isolate Licheng.

  According to the announcement on the broadcast, on the way out of the city, there is also a rescue station specially used to meet the survivors who escaped from the city.

  Fu An Anzai looked at the notice carefully, and now it was roughly divided into two situations.

  The first one: stay at home and wait for rescue.

  The second way: run out, it will be safe to leave the city.

  Which one to choose?
  Fu Anan turned around and glanced at the things in her room.

  There is a large bucket of tap water.

  a bag of rice.

  And then... a refrigerator full of vegetable leaves.

  The kind with no gaps at all!

  Then unfold the map of Licheng, from the seaport area to the city, you need to go through the city center and three other districts, the distance can be seen by the naked eye.

  She can't drive, and the road is so far away, Fu An'an chose to stay behind without hesitation.

  She checked her supplies again, and found a few packets of snacks "gifted" by the gangster from the sofa and bedside. With careful planning, it is also possible to barely persist for more than 20 days.

  Thinking of this, she looked at the water dispenser again.

  She just hugged this water a few days ago, and drank less than one-fifth of it.

  But even so, she still found out all the pots and buckets in the room, and then turned on the tap to fill them all up, even the smaller water cups and bowls, as long as they were not in use.

  After only half a day, the community and even the entire street became quiet.

  With the wrong demonstration of the unit building opposite, everyone became very quiet in speaking and doing things, and could even hear the sound of paper being blown by the strong wind outside and rubbing on the ground.

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