BC14: Rendezvous (Obsidian & Co)--4

Start from the beginning

"Not exactly that, but it was close."

"Sorry, I think he's into the whole redemption thing," Emerald said. "And he seems interested in our faith too. I've talked to him about it a little. I just wish the rest of the corps felt the same way. But it can be a little...overwhelming to have people not just immediately dislike us."

"I really don't care," Cinder 100% did. "But your other charming teammates are going to throw a fit about me. They've figured out who I am."

"I'll handle them," Emerald said. "Anyway, Raven won't care. The mission was to stop those grimm. This was just a happy accident. So...see you later, I guess."

"Come on," Piper called. "We're ready, and I'd like to get home before midnight."

"It's 7pm, Piper," Emerald called. "It's not going to take that long."

[And that makes the last of several Cinderella references in this mini arc. Did you catch the Wanda Fay, Jacqueline, Pumpkins, and Shoes ones? If you didn't know already, Cinder is based off Cinderella. Another reference, Google what Royal's last name means.]

Cinder walked away.

"I can't imagine why you even wanted to talk to her that long," Mercury was still salty.

Emerald completely ignored him and sat in the cockpit.

"Rough day?" Royal asked dryly.

"Let's just say it was...a little more than I was ready for." Emerald said.

"You did good, Sustrai," Royal said. "Don't be too hard on yourself. At least we stopped the problem."

"Yeah...but we keep having poor teamwork skills." Emerald mused. "I just don't know what it is."

Royal lifted off. "I don't like to say it, but I think you do know what it is, Captain."


Royal jerked his hand toward Mercury. "The teamwork won't happen if not everyone is willing to try to be amiable. How many of your problems does he start?"

"Mercury doesn't mean most of what he says. He's...antisocial. He gets uncomfortable with people, especially when the pressure is up."

"Is he like that all the time."

"Well...when we're just hanging out alone, not always," Emerald said.

"But he talks you down a lot."

"It's a joke."

"It's not funny when it's on the job." Royal said. "It's not that funny anyway. I wouldn't sell yourself short if I were you. You're working your tail off doing this, and anyone who's tearing you down is a jackass. It shouldn't be your boyfriend."

Emerald stared straight ahead.

"I can't believe you and... Scarlet were agreeing."

"I know who she is, Sustrai give me a break. It was obvious."


"Didn't think she was the type to care."

"Normally she's not, but then again, she'd never let anyone push her around like that," Emerald said. "I kind of don't want to be like her though. She's...well she was, mean to everyone."

"Yeah I kinda noticed...On the other hand, who came through for you today."

"Oddly enough, Cinder."

"People have different issues, Sustrai, I'm not one to judge them for it. But you might have to ask yourself, if a crazy woman you haven't seen in 2 years was able to act as a better member to you than your actual partner who's been with you all this time, is there something you're not seeing? Or you are seeing it and you're tolerating too much."

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