Chapter 4- Aldrig Nånsin (Never ever)

Start from the beginning

Aldrig nånsin mer
Men kanske bara en gång till
Vi kan varandra utantill
Det är nåt i mig som vill ha mer
Nu tänker jag på dig
Jag vet jag inte borde
Men jag är lite lonely och lite, lite mmm
Lite, lite mmm

(Never ever again
But maybe just one more time
We know each other inside out
There's something in me that wants more
Now I'm thinking of you
I know I should not do so
But I'm a little lonely and a little, little mmm
a little, little mmm)

Some days later Elda is sitting in a café by herself thinking of what she's supposed to do with her life. She still hasn't let go of the thought of reaching out to her ex. He actually texted her the day before, asking to start over, and Elda had yet to reply to him. While she hadn't told Jan about it, too afraid for what he would say, she had told Ivy who naturally forwarded the information to Lily. Of course, the girls had told her to block him, to ignore his desperate attempts of getting her back. And perhaps Elda should have listened to her friends, but she wasn't so sure they were right. She needed to know that it was truly just a mistake, and if so, she believed hey would be able to repair their relationship. That's why, sitting at a cafe studying with an order of an iced coffee on its way, she decided she would take the matter into her own hands and call him up.

One tone. Two tones. Three tones sounded and the nerves suddenly hit Elda. What if he didn't want to talk? Voicemail.

Vi ringer om varandra
Du är så svår att läsa av
Det är säkert därför jag vill stanna
Så klyschigt oförutsägbar

(We call around each other
You are so hard to read
That's probably why I wanna stay
So clichéd unpredictable

Känner hur jag dras till dig
Vi var ändå helt okej
Fan, man får la ångra sig?
Och mina vänner undrar om jag tappat det
Men det är redan allt för sent
Kalla mig för schizofren
För jag sa

(Feels how I am drawn to you
You were actually okay
Fuck, can I change my mind?
And my friends wonder if I've lost it
But its already all too late
Call me schizophrenic
Cause I said)

Aldrig nånsin mer
Men kanske bara en gång till
Vi kan varandra utantill
Det är nåt i mig som vill ha mer
Nu tänker jag på dig
Jag vet jag inte borde
Men jag är lite lonely och lite, lite mmm
Lite, lite mmm

(Never ever again
But maybe just one more time
We know each other inside out
There's something in me that wants more
Now I'm thinking of you
I know I should not do so
But I'm a little lonely and a little, little mmm
a little, little mmm)

Later that day, as Elda is taking a break from studying, she notices two missed calls. One from her ex. One from Jan. While her curiosity is telling her to call back her ex, her intuition is telling her to prioritize Jan. What Elda doesn't realize at the time is that the difference in her intuition concerning the two men she thought meant the most to her, told her who she should really trust. But, Elda calls back her ex, most would probably call her a fool for that decision. Future Elda would too.

Plötsligt tänker jag på dig
Du var ändå helt okej
Fan, man får la ångra sig?
Och mina vänner undrar om jag tappat det
Är det redan allt för sent?
För jag sa

(Suddenly I think of you
You were actually okay
Fuck, can I change my mind?
And my friends wonder if I've lost it
Is it already all too late?
Cause I said)

Aldrig nånsin mer
Men kanske bara en gång till
Vi kan varandra utantill
Det är nåt i mig som vill ha mer
Nu tänker jag på dig
Jag vet jag inte borde
Men jag är lite lonely och lite, lite mmm

(Never ever again
But maybe just one more time
We know each other inside out
There's something in me that wants more
Now I'm thinking of you
I know I should not do so
But I'm a little lonely and a little, little mmm)

A day later Elda receives a message eating lunch with Jan.

"Are you finally ready to be mature and
respect your boyfriend?"

It is as she reads this message and realizes she would be ashamed to let her friends read it that she finally decides she's had enough. Elda is letting go, and any man would be a fool to believe he would be let of easily. 


Elda: oh cuddling with Jan is nice
Also Elda: that means I should get back with my abusive ex 😀👍

Sooo, the artist i use for Eldas songs is revealed, its Hanna Ferm! A well known artist in Sweden but not internationally since there's not really a market for swedish songs outside of Sweden. Fun fact I've actually met her and she signed my totebag:) she's really sweet and a great vocalist live too.

Also, I've changed a part in the song from 'nu står jag i din lägenhet'(now im standing in your apartment) to 'nu tänker jag på dig' (now im thinking of you) because I obviously didn't want them to meet again.

Sorry I didnt post yesterday, I was busy enjoying the sun to avoid the scandinavian sun guilt lmao.

Votes and comments are appreciated as usual
Enjoy life, see ya!

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