5. Phantasmagoria.

Start from the beginning

"I'm alright, Malik, just a little woozy. It's gone now," she reassured him, concealing the truth from him until she learned more.

As soon as he left, Evangeline resumed the surveillance of her surroundings. Curiosity ignited within her as she put on her sunglasses and followed every passerby with greedy eyes.

She caught glimpses of ethereal figures, radiating with an otherworldly glow. These magical forms took the shape of human-like passersby, yet their presence was hidden from the ordinary eyes of those around her.

Some had shimmering wings, gently fluttering as they moved, while others exuded an aura of elemental energy that intertwined with their every step. Pointy ears, flickering tails, hidden furry limbs, and inhumanly-shaped irises.

It was as if she had just stepped into a world of fantasy.

The phantasmagoria of mythical creatures didn't stop at masked supernatural characteristics of otherwise normal-looking humans. Animals, as well, had unworldly features of an extra set of heads, eyes, or limbs, and tucked wings. Some were flying, others were simply hovering slightly over the ground.

Her hands itched to touch. Her mouth twisted, holding back endless questions. Her soul ached to seek more knowledge and interact with them. However, no matter how curious she was, Evangeline couldn't attract any kind of attention to herself just yet.

Closing her gaping mouth, she cleared her throat and resumed her stroll, watching familiars that accompanied some individuals. A carriage pulled with unicorns. A musician teaming up with a sprite to serenade the crowd. Street artists joining forces with mischievous imps. Elusive pixies flitting among flowers. Shy dryads jumping from one branch to another. Fireflies breathing life into performances.

As she walked through the humans and the supernatural, she couldn't help but marvel at the hidden layer of reality that had previously been concealed from ordinary sight. The city she thought she knew so well was now alive with the presence of these enchanting beings. They all existed in a realm overlapping with the mundane world, yet their true nature remained hidden from normal perception. Some would've passed for a human if not for the colorful aura surrounding them.

Blue, red, green, purple.

She had read that green represented all Faeries as well as information of how the blue moon held significance for the Lycans while its red counterpart was of importance for Vampires.

A shudder shot down her spine as she looked away and busied herself with her phone for a moment until the creatures of the night passed. She didn't wish to be caught and find herself under the mercy of their sharp fangs.

Her mind flashed to her latest encounter with Tiamat and her strong jaw that held her captive.

Evangeline wished she could find more information regarding her. She had spent a good deal searching. Yet, the internet and libraries barely offered any facts for it was mostly fictional and unhelpful.

Struck with a sudden idea, her back straightened before she bolted toward the library. What if her new powers could help her find something in there that was hidden from her ordinary eyes before?

Her heart thudded with possibilities. She struggled for air, hushed whispers of knowledge surrounding her as she navigated the maze of towering shelves and unfamiliar rows of books.

The tattoo on her shoulder seemed to hum, its mystical energy guiding her toward hidden secrets within the library's ancient, magical tomes. She ran her fingers over the weathered spines until a sense of connection surged through her as if the ink etched on her skin resonated with what was within.

Amber pages called and her soul answered.

Amber pages called and her soul answered

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Word count: 1000.


Phantasmagoria: a sequence of real or imaginary images like that seen in a dream.

Sprite: a water faery or spirit that can breathe water or air and sometimes can fly. They have melodic voices though not as hypnotic and dangerous as a siren's.

Imps: a small lesser demon. They're mischievous more than seriously threatening, lively, and can be uncontrollable.

Pixies: small faeries taking care of plants and flowers. They're a tease, sometimes a lil mischievous. They always like to dance and have fun.

Dryads: tree spirits in small forms, faeries taking care of all trees. They're shy and very friendly. Their bodies are made of wood.

Lycans: or werewolves, they're shapeshifters that shed fur for skin. (If you're interested in a Lycan's story, head over to my story Rieka. It explains why 'blue'.)

Vampyr: or vampyre, is an alternative form of vampire. (If you're interested in a Vampyr's story, head over to my story The Dark Side Of The Moon. It explains why 'red'.)

Don't forget, Evangeline is able to recognize all the mythical creatures due to her interest and research in everything otherworldly.

Don't forget, Evangeline is able to recognize all the mythical creatures due to her interest and research in everything otherworldly

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