"No! Don't touch him!" Katiya hissed, pulling against the railing with all her strength.

Her wrists were turning red from the brute force she was using but, she didn't care.

"You hear that, Corporal?" Quaritch sneered, frustrated by Jake's lack of response. "Time's ticking!"

Again, he delivered another blow, leaving a minor bruise on Aonung's side.

"Stop! Let him go!"

Through his earpiece, Jake heard his daughter's desperate plea, and he was in turmoil.

"What's it gonna be, Jake?!" Quaritch bellowed.

"I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you, you piece of shit!" Katiya snapped, her glossy eyes burning with rage.

Her angry expression resembled that of Jake's and Quaritch's jaw clenched in irritation. "Throw her overboard."

Wainfleet, the Avatar Recombinant who knocked Katiya down earlier, nodded. He quickly untied her hands from the railing and bound her wrists behind her back.

She tried to fight against him, but he was strong and forcefully kept her down. He then dragged her away, pushing and shoving, and forcing her to walk in front of him.

Tuk and Kiri called out to her, their voices panicked.

Wainfleet led her toward the edge of the ship and pushed her off into the water below.

Quaritch looked on in satisfaction. Using his binoculars, he located Jake who had finally moved away from the others and toward the direction of the ship.

"He's coming. Hold your positions, soldiers!" He ordered, gearing up his gun in hand.

In the water below, Katiya struggled to swim freely, her hands bound behind her back. She kicked the water with her legs, attempting to swim up to the surface but it was useless.

She felt herself being pulled deeper into the water, her lungs burning from the effort. Finally, something solid brushed against her thigh, and relief washed over her when she spotted the ilu.

The creature gently nudged her thigh, its voice echoing with concern. Using its long neck, the ilu moved beneath her and positioned her on its back. With careful maneuvering, it brought her to the surface.

Katiya gasped for air, her lungs burning from the cold, salty water.

Suddenly, a hand came up from behind her and held onto her wrist. Taken by surprise, she raised her leg to kick the perpetrator.

"Hold on, Kati."

Her father's voice reached her ears and she stopped just in time.

"Dad," she whispered, exhausted.

In a quick motion, Jake cut Katiya's wrists free from the binding rope and pulled her into his arms.

"You're alright. I got you," he muttered as he kissed her head. "Are you hurt? Let me take a look at you."

Behind him was Spider, his small arms wrapped around Jake's torso. He remained quiet, his eyes trained on Katiya as they scanned her for injuries.

A stoic expression dominated her face, and her eyes were cold.

She doesn't answer Jake.

"Who, Dad?" was all she said, her voice cracking with the slightest hint of vulnerability.

Jake and Spider exchanged looks of uncertainty, sorrow still lingering in their eyes. But they knew what she was asking.

"Neteyam," Jake replied, his voice thick with emotion.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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