5. a basket of fish a day

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A pair of small eyes flitted between Katiya and Aonung.

"Kati, Mom says she needs your help."

Tuk's small voice cut through the tension between them, prompting Aonung to reluctantly free Katiya's wrist.

"Alright. Take me to Mom, Tuk."

Katiya slithered past him, her wrist aching painfully as she glared at him one last time.

Stepping aside, his eyes followed her.

Holding onto her sister's hand, Tuk turned around to glare at Aonung.

Then after making sure he was looking at her, she stuck her tongue out at him.

He chuckled and knew the little girl had lied to save her sister from him.

"Did he hurt you?" Tuk asked, looking at Katiya with concern.

"No, Tuk. I'm fine," Katiya lied.

"Good," Tuk huffed. "If he does, I'll smother him with lots of my creepy crawly friends."


Katiya's hair danced in the wind as she stood on top of a mangrove tree root, looking down at the school of fish below.

Her curiosity was piqued by the lack of other people on top of the roots, considering that it offered such a stunning view of the island and the water.

There were multiple roots of mangrove trees protruding from the jungle behind her and into the sea.Under some roots, Marui pods hovered above the water.

Raising the bow and arrow in her hand, Katiya drew the bow back and waited for the right moment to strike the fish below.

To make it easier for her, she tied a rope to the end of the arrow and attached it to her bow so she could simply pull the fish up to her.

Perched on the tree next to her was a woven basket nearly full of fish she had caught.

"Come on, she won't see it coming." Loak guffawed, cackling with evil intentions as he climbed the mangrove roots.

Neteyam rolled his eyes and smiled. "She's gonna kill you. And I won't save you this time."

"Yeah, whatever. That's if she catches me first."

Loak waved him off and hopped to the top. Neteyam shook his head and followed after his little brother.

As they snuck up behind Katiya, they made sure to move quietly so she wouldn't hear them.

In her focus, she spotted a motionless fish and released her arrow at it.

Peering down from the edge, she grinned when she saw that the arrow had successfully penetrated the fish.

Then her ears pricked up at the sound of footsteps behind her. Immediately, she turned around and noticed the playful expression on Loak's face.

The moment she realized what was happening, he grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved her over the edge, sending her splashing into the water before she could react.

From above, Loak laughed obnoxiously at her as Neteyam shook his head.

The scene underwater was a blur for Katiya as she grimaced and tightened her grip on her bow. Upon reaching the surface, she gasped for air.

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