29. bewitched

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Aonung let out a low chuckle, his gaze fixed on Katiya.

"Alright, anything for you," he said cheekily, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Whatever it took to get closer to her.

She clenched her jaw, determined to wipe him out once and for all. As they watched the scene unfold, the three girls looked between them nervously.

Katiya took a step forward, her face set in a hard line. With a forceful tug, she gripped his forearm and steadied him.

Silently, he allowed her to touch him and lifted his arm, inciting her to slap it and violently lower it to his side.

Shocked and slightly confused, he said nothing. His eyes softened and his lips curved into a small, playful smile.

Meyta stifled a giggle at this. She had never seen Aonung so obedient before.

They stood there silently, feeling the tension in the air before Katiya averted her gaze, ready to punch his foolish face.

Aonung knew he deserved it, but braced himself, ready to take the hit as Katiya squared her shoulders and raised her fists. From the intense look in her eyes, he also knew she was still angry with him.

He didn't flinch as her fist flew through the air and landed beside his head. She held his gaze, her eyes still narrowed.

"This is how you deliver a strong punch," Katiya instructed, averting her gaze from him.

She stepped back a bit and turned to the girls, patting her fist firmly. "Strong grip and no holding back. Just one full swing and that's it, and make sure you use your full body. You'll be surprised by how much power you can generate."

The girls all nodded in agreement, readying themselves to try the punch Katiya had just demonstrated.

She paused and turned back to face Aonung, her eyes narrowed.

"But for physically fit men like him, you don't want to throw the first punch in their face directly."

A faint smile adorned Aonung's lips as he gazed down at her. "You think I'm fit?"

Katiya pretended she didn't hear him, turning back toward the girls. They giggled, and a faint blush appeared on Katiya's cheeks as she bit her lip, frustration evident on her face.

But she refused to let it show.

She quickly composed herself and maintained a cool, steely gaze as she spoke. "What you want to do... is get as close to him as possible."

In fascination, Aonung stood still, watching her as she closed the distance between them. His smile was still on his lips, his face appearing more smug than before.

Katiya grabbed his forearm. "Next, you want to take his arm and put it on your shoulder."

Now that their bodies were inches apart, she could hear him breathing heavily as he anticipated her next move on him.

"Then what?" Aonung murmured, his voice just low enough for her to hear.

She locked eyes with him, her breathing becoming heavier as her heart began to race against her chest.

Aonung's gaze never wavered.

Katiya held her breath, the electricity between them palpable. But she looked away, redirecting her focus to the lesson.

"Then you eat sand, fish boy." Suddenly, she turned around and pressed her back against his body, still holding his arm over her shoulder. Effortlessly, she tossed him over and slammed him into the sand.

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