15. altercations here, there, everywhere

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Katiya walked along the shoreline, contemplating why she decided to spend the day with Meyta and Sihi.

All afternoon, the two girls talked about Aonung and his friends nonstop. Worse still, they even gushed over Neteyam, her older brother.

It turned out Meyta had developed a little crush on him.

In the back of her mind, Katiya regretted not going with Kiri and Tuk to the Cove of
Ancestors with Tsireya, Ritxa, and Loak.

"Do you agree, Kati?" Sihi asked, jolting Katiya out of her thoughts.

"Uh, yeah..." Katiya replied awkwardly, not understanding what she was asking. Her attention had been absent for a few walks.

"See? It's two against one. So, we will watch Aonung tame his skimwing," Sihi said, giggling excitedly.

Katiya frowned. So that's what she was asking.

"Ugh, fine," Meyta huffed, rolling her eyes.

Although she was a little nervous about meeting Neteyam, if they were simply there for Aonung, then it should be okay. She's been curious to see Neteyam's hair bead colors ever since Kiri explained the meaning behind wearing matching beads in their hair.

In addition, she intended to ask him for permission to wear the same colors as him if he didn't mind.

"Come on, let's go!" Sihi declared, looping her arms around Katiya and Meyta.

Speeding up, she dragged the girls with her. They made their way across sandy puddles on the shore until they reached the vast open area in the sea where Aonung, Neteyam, Jake, and Tonowari were.

At waist-deep in the water, Jake, Tonowari, and Neteyam held the skimwing awaiting Aonung to mount the creature.

"You can do it, Aonung! I'm rooting for you!"

A loud cheer from Sihi caught their attention and they turned to look at the girls. Katiya bit her lower lip and reluctantly followed the two friends into the water.

"Hey girls," Jake greeted them with a smile. It made him happy to see his daughter getting along with the reef girls.

"You got this, Aonung!" Meyta exclaimed. As she met Neteyam's eyes and he smiled at her briefly, she couldn't help but squeak in embarrassment.

"Ugh," Katiya murmured, accidentally locking eyes with Aonung. Again, there was a feeling of tense, yet awkward bitterness between them.

In the wake of the hellfire wasp incident, this has been happening for quite some time. Katiya couldn't figure out why, nor could she be bothered to resolve it.

In the end, she hated him just as much as he despised her.

Aonung wore a blank expression and his eyes were narrowed as usual. The last thing Katiya wanted to say was anything. She would rather pretend that she wasn't there at all. However, it was too late, since they had already made eye contact.

To Neteyam, Katiya and Aonung always looked like they were glaring at one another.

Now the girls were only a few feet away from the group of men. As the two girls looked toward Katiya, they anticipated her to also encourage the Olo'eyktan's son.

"Come on," Meyta whispered, nudging Katiya's arm.

There was a look of hesitation on Katiya's face. Her irritation grew as she turned toward the men.

"Uh... break a leg, or whatever," she murmured without much enthusiasm.

"Huh?" Sihi was stunned.

"What?" Tonowari asked in confusion, looking at Jake.

Behind Those Eyes | Aonung (Enemies to Lovers)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon