Harper stood up and shook her head "No. Look, I know I haven't known Gwen as long as the rest of you, but I do know that she is a fighter. She's gonna do everything she can to stay alive until we save hers" she said.

After multiple attempts Gwen was able to break free from the tape. She stood up careful not to make any noises. The house they were in was old and every step she made the floor boards creaked underneath her.

"Okay. We are ready to go" Caleb announced. Gwen prepared for when he turned the corner so she could strike. She could practically hear her heart beat against her chest as the anxiety creeped up on her.

Gwen punched Caleb in the face as soon as she sees him and runs out of the house the moment he is knocked down. Gwen looks around and sees they are literally in the middle of no where. No sign of civilization or habitation.

"Help" she yelled out. Even though it was going to be unheard. She kept running until she trips over the tripwire in front of the house trying to escape.

She falls to the ground her head bleeding from hitting against the rocks. Caleb catches up with her. The two struggle briefly Gwen hitting him with her fists. Caleb pulls out his  pepper spray knocking her down once again. She attempts to punch him again unable to see where he is. He kicks her in the head and drags her back into the house by her leg.

Tim walked into the prison with Lucy, and Nolan trailing behind them. Each minute that went by was closer to her death. Tim was going to attempt to talk to Rosalind in hopes she would confess to where Gwen was kept.

"Rosalind, visitors. You know the drill. Step away from the door" The guard announced. Rosalind stepped back with a smirk.

"Took you long enough" she said looking directly at Tim.

"You're upset. I understand. That pretty police officer is in trouble. It's all over the news" she said. Tim knew that she was going to play kind games.

Nolan stepped forward "Then you understand why it's so important that I find her. I've come to make you an offer" he said. Rosalind turned her attention to the older rookie.

"I'm listening" she said watching as he continued on with the conversation.

"Tell me who the guy is and where I can find him" he said, Rosalind smiled "And why would I do that?" She said.

"To regain control. I saw your statement to the press. I mean, yes, you project strength, but clearly, it's coming from a place of weakness. You know Caleb is stealing your thunder" Nolan said.

Rosalind scoffed "Not at all. His kills are my kills" she said. She turned her attention to Tim "Soon, you'll barely be an afterthought" Tim said.

"I will never be an afterthought" she said with a smirk "She must be pretty special to you huh? I mean she's beautiful. Long blonde hair, big blue eyes. No wonder she was an easy target for Caleb, and Jacob. I could just imagine what I would do if I were them-" Tim cut her off.

"Enough!" He yelled, he didn't want to hear anymore of what Rosalind had to say. They weren't going to get anymore useful information out of her. They rang the buzzer and got out of the cell.

"You think we got through to her?" Lucy asked, Nolan shook his head "Maybe. But we might not need her anymore. Sergeant Hernandez, does she get any packages delivered?" Nolan said, looking at the guard on duty.

"Only thing she's received since she's been here is some fan letters, and the censors go over those with a magnifying glass" he said. Nolan looked back at the cell "I saw some Bovetti Chocolates in her cell. I'm assuming those are not from the prison commissary" he said.

"No. They're not. Black market items make it everywhere inside this place, even death row" the guard said.

Tim nodded "That's how Rosalind has been communicating with Caleb. Notes hidden inside contraband. We need to find whoever is running contraband into the prison. That's who's gonna lead us to Caleb" Tim said. Nolan nodded agreeing with him but not before thinking of a potential problem "It sounds good, but ID'ing the source of a major criminal enterprise is gonna take time. Time we don't have" Nolan said.

Lucy nodded agreeing with him "Yeah but I know someone that can make it happen with one phone call" Tim said.

Gwen was thirsty, her body ached with each step she took. Her face was bruised, and bloody and her blonde hair was covered in dirt and dried blood.

They had been walking for 20 minutes now, her hands were zip tied, and a gun was pressed up against her back if she made any stupid decisions. Caleb was leading Gwen closer to her gravesite, which meant closer to her death.

Gwen didn't cry, didn't attempt to yell for help. She accepted that this was probably going to be her time to die. No one was going to find her in the middle of no where, and according to basic biology she probably only had a few hours in the barrel to live before she died from asphyxiation.

Caleb stopped walking when they reached an area where an empty barrel laid in the dug up ground. "I'm not getting in there" Gwen said, taking a step back.

Caleb laughed "You know, they all say that. And then they all get in. You know why? Hope. Inside that barrel, there's still life" he cocked his gun and aimed it directly at her head "Only death. And you and I both know, that despite the evidence literally tattooed on your side, you don't think you're dying today. So get in the barrel. Get down" Gwen looked at the barrel and looked at the ground she takes off her ring and throws it onto the ground as she slowly climbs into the barrel.

Caleb walks over to Gwen with his phone snapping a picture of her, almost like it was his own personal trophy. Caleb waves goodbye to Gwen as he places the lid on top of the barrel locking it shut.

Gwen let out a silent cry as he kicked the barrel into the hole and starting to fill the hole up.

Tim sits outside looking down at the photos of him and Gwen. He couldn't help but feel vulnerable like he wanted to cry. He felt like this was his fault he should've told her to stay home, and he should've protected her more. He ran his hand through his hair letting out a sigh "I'm so sorry Gwen" he whispered.

Every Officer was working hard trying to piece together any information. Caleb Wright was clearly an Alias name and they had no idea who he really was.

Angela and Wesley were working together searching through the files of Rosalind, and Jacob in hopes to find any connection closest related to both.

Tim walked back inside after having some time alone to gather his thoughts. He walked over to Angela and Wesley who were rummaging around through paperwork.

"Hey what are you doing?" He asked. Wesley and Angela looked up at him offering a small smile "Combing through Rosalind's biographical data. Look, I figured that Caleb must be pretty obsessed with her, if he's going through with all this, so maybe He's keeping Gwen, somewhere that connects to her" Wesley said.

Tim nodded thinking that was actually a great idea. Tim sits down with Angela and Wesley and starts helping them dig around the information.

They were going to find her but, would it be to late?

AN: it's getting emotional. Tim is so caring for Gwen.

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