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Season 4, Ep 1
Part 1

Mid-Wilshire/Guatemala Season 4, Ep 1Part 1

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Tim, Harper, Angela, Nolan, and Chen stood in Grey's office still dressed in their wedding guest attire. Tim searched the whole venue twice before hand. No one spotted Gwen or Jackson.

Tim's mind immediately flashed back to his conversation with Chen "I can't find Gwen" his voice was in a panic. They had searched the venue plenty of times. Chen looked just as stressed when she couldn't find Jackson.

"Jackson is missing too"

He snapped back when Grey got their attention "Malos Dorados just hit the prison transport. They freed La Fiera." Grey said.

"She must've taken them" Tim said watching as Grey pulled up security footage.

They all watch in horror as Gwen is seen being hustled into the van with her hands, and ankles zip tied. A cloth was stuffed into her mouth to prevent her from screaming.

Jackson is being manhandled towards the open trunk of the car. He starts to fight back but the assailant shoots in the back killing him. They watch the security footage with pure anger, shock, and sadness. Gwen was taken and Jackson was dead.

No one knew what to say the only plan was to trace the van in hopes they've left some evidence behind. Tim couldn't think straight her was angry, upset, and worried. If La Fiera could kill Jackson effortlessly she could do the same to Gwen.

The team followed by Swat is dressed in head to toe combat gear as they are about to storm inside the empty warehouse. Tim stood on the side of Angela waiting for the ok.

"We're going in now" Sergeant Grey said over the comms "Breach team take the warehouse" he ordered.

The team takes positions next to the roll-up door, which they pry open, and rush into the seemingly empty warehouse. They move cautiously through the space until they find an abandoned SUV with the doors left open.

"Clear" Nolan yelled. Lucy sees something on the ground and calls everyone over.

"Guys it's Gwen's dress" she goes to lift up the dress but Nolan stops her.

"Stop! There's a trip wire running from the dress under the SUV." He said. They lean to peer under the SUV. Sure enough, the dress is wired to a block of C4 explosive attached to the undercarriage.

Tim carefully walks over and looks at the explosive "C4, a couple pounds of it"

Harper looks over at them "All right, we're outta here -- same way we came in. Everyone move slowly and keep your eyes peeled for any more booby-traps." She says starting to move slowly out of the warehouse.

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