Friendship goes a long way

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Summary: Lydia and Stiles become friends with benefits. How long will it take them to act on their feelings towards each other?


For the prompt: 'Imagine person A and B are friends with benefits. After several intimate experiences with each other, they start falling for the other. They're not sure what to do with their new feelings, and both are reluctant to tell the other. Whether or not they come to terms with their feelings/get together is up to you'. Stydia one-shot.

Rating: T

A/N: This is for the 'friends with benefits' trope and there's no smut. From my one-shots, it's one of my favorites.


The first time is not planned. They have both been single for a while now and things are back as they were before, maybe better, that meaning their friendship is on good terms, excellent even. Whatever other feelings they might have for the other are buried deep and the only thing they want is to make it last for as long as they can without ruining it.

It's a Monday night and the Sheriff is at the station for a night shift. Stiles and Lydia are at his house studying late the same way they have been doing again for weeks and, if asked, they couldn't tell which one of them started it. There's a joke in there somewhere and they both laugh. The inappropriate comments start and don't stop, sexual innuendos making a few appearances.

Lydia likes to think it was Stiles' fault; at some point of their little banter he started getting cocky and smug and Lydia was turned on instantly. On the other hand, Stiles faults Lydia because she was giving him this look and suddenly they were getting closer and she started pursing her lips...

They don't hesitate. Rationally they know it might not be a good idea. It could jeopardize everything they have worked for so far and ruining their relationship would be stupid and careless, but at this point they are not really thinking. But they are both aware of their bond; they trust each other completely, they can certainly make it work. It only takes a look for both to agree on it.

They don't kiss at first, not on the lips, maybe a little afraid things might go down fast and they wouldn't know how to fix it, but at some point it becomes inevitable; they are both naked on his bed and Lydia has the urge to trace his shoulders. Instead of using her hands, which are busy anyways, she starts kissing his collarbone, moving up to his neck and jawline while he mimics her, paying special attention to a spot just below her ear where he sucks and bites softly and earning a moan from her, their very first. They stop swiftly to look at the other and they are both grinning and laughing almost inaudibly and they lean in and kiss like it's the most natural thing in the world and they've done it a thousand times.

Later that evening they agree it was a different kiss from their first, which they haven't discussed yet and won't really discuss until later on. This time, however, it's special. Not because their lives are on the line or someone was taken or they are running from some supernatural threat. Not because they are in love with each other and it was a passionate kiss. It was a good kiss, comfortable, just like the ones that followed; they can totally do that more often. As for the sex, it has room for improvement but was definitely good. Most of all, it was fun. When she leaves for the night, she's smiling like Stiles has never seen her smile before. She looks happy, alive. She can say the same about him. It's been so long since they had fun and felt like things could go right for a change that they almost forgot what it felt like. When she gets home, she calls him to tell him she got there safe and they talk about it some more, teasing. They agree to give it a few days, see how it goes, see if they can manage to still be friends with a few benefits thrown into their relationship.

Stydia - One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora