Ease my pain

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Summary: Scott, Stiles, Kira and Lydia get together to remember Allison on the first anniversary of her death.

A/N: I literally have no idea where this came from. There was no prompt, no suggestion, not a thought on this has been on my mind like most of my ideas do, nothing fuelled it. I woke up today thinking of this, completely out of nowhere, and the first thing I did was to grab my notebook and a pen to put it on paper as fast as I could. And I must admit that I cried while writing it and that has never happened to me before. I don't even know why. So I'm sorry in advance about the hurt because I sincerely don't know why I wrote this, I just felt like I had to. Still, somehow, I think it came out perfectly.


They can't believe it's been a year.

Kira, Scott, Stiles and Lydia find themselves together at the lake house for a weekend's getaway at the Alpha's suggestion. It's the first anniversary of Allison's death and Scott thought they could be by themselves to do something special in her memory just the four of them - the ones who were at Oak Creek when the hunter fell to the ground that night -, away from the madness that is their lives nowadays, away from the supernatural and the pressure of being senior year, away from everything else, all of it.

Kira had asked Scott if he was sure that he wanted her there. To the kitsune, it felt like she was intruding on something rather personal, something that only concerned the three of them and not her. The boy just answered that he'd need her by his side, that he'd need his girlfriend to lean on in case he'd falter, in case he'd break down, that he wasn't sure he'd be able to handle it without her. And there was so much grief in his eyes, an emotion Kira knows he's learned to disguise well but that he still feels strongly every now and then, that the girl conceded. So she went.

As for Stiles and Lydia, they've been distant for months, especially since he started dating Malia. And even if they broke it off over a month ago, Stiles and Lydia still haven't gone back to what they were before, not even close. Stiles had stayed friends with Malia and Lydia hasn't felt comfortable with Stiles for some reason. To Lydia, it's like she doesn't know him anymore, like the part of him he had offered her is long gone and she won't get it back because she was dumb enough to miss her chance. And it only makes matters worse that she's sure she's in love with him; she has been for a while.

To Stiles, however, it's different and the same because he's in love with her too, he knows; he has always known that. He has known it for the better part of ten years and the feeling only seems to grow. And he knows it was dormant for a while as he tried something he hadn't tried before - a relationship with someone -, but even in his subconscious he knew that Lydia would always be the one for him. He can't explain it or rationalize it in any way; it is what it is. The thing is that he and Malia are still friends and they're still close, they're just not dating. And as much as he'd like to make a move on Lydia – because he thinks he might have finally found the courage to do it, even if he's not sure he can actually go through with it -, he doesn't want to hurt Malia's feelings. The girl, of course, knows why Stiles broke up with her but that doesn't mean he has to throw it in her face.

And there's also the possibility – minor, he thinks, he hopes – that Lydia doesn't want him back, that Lydia doesn't feel about him the same way he feels about her. And he knows it is, in fact, a small chance; he's not blind. He has noticed the way Lydia would excuse herself not to spend time with him and Malia, noticed how she tried (and failed) to avert her eyes from the couple; how she never commented on the relationship, even if only months before Stiles and Lydia were tight and confided most things in one another. But he's to fault at that. He could have made it work between them even if he was dating somebody else; it hadn't been an issue when she was the one with a boyfriend. Stiles is the one who didn't seek Lydia, he's the one who drove her away.

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