Smoke and Mirrors

Start from the beginning

Which one of you would be the one in the right this time? Would you live to regret your decision?

'This is the end for you, Bonnie and Clyde-'

The end of Gazelle's sentence was inaudible, loud sounds of splatter and gurgling covering them. They lasted a moment, before you heard the split and splats of someone walking in liquid. You wanted to know what was happening, but something about Vash's horrified face made you hesitate.

And, soon enough, you realized the horror he expressed was fully justified when you recognized the voice that calmly spoke up.

'That's enough.'

The ground felt like it crumbled under you, dragging your body and mind deeper and deeper into pure primal fear with your every passing heart beat.

'Nai...' the blond man's voice was but a whisper next to you, himself seeming to hold his breath like you did.

'It's good to see you again dear brother. I see those esteemed humans of yours are still as merciful with you as you are with them.'

The voice was as cold and composed in its sarcasm as you remembered it being, and when you felt the chilling glaze of the metallic bladed tendrils wrapping around you, you wished you would wake up from this terrible nightmare already.

'Luck!' Vash shouted as he attempted in vain to hold on to you before you were slowly taken away. 'Nai, let her go!'

You saw Vash wince and grunt as he forced his body up despite his injury he tried to contain with his hand. The need to call out to him sprung in you, to tell him to not move so as not to worsen his wound, to beg him for help, to yell at him to run- to tell him anything really; but your throat remained constricted by fear, barely allowing you to draw short shallow breaths.

You had wanted to believe you would struggle, fight, resist with all your might if you ever came to see this forsaken man once more in your life, and yet, in this moment, your limbs and spirit felt completely defeated already. Your body felt almost frozen in place by the glacial touch of the bladed wires holding you up in the air and the intimidating aura coming from the cloaked man they had brought you up to.

You wanted to tell yourself you were only so docile because of the weakness you felt from your injuries; that you weren't shouting and struggling because of how those blades tightly held your limbs together, restricting you from all movement. But, somewhere deeper inside you, there was an almost consuming feeling of relief coercing you into staying put. As if you had been constantly waiting for this moment to arrive ever since you'd met Vash- no, even before, decades before- and all the tension leaving your body at once left it empty of will or strength to fight anymore.


The way he called to you with that name and that familiar tone both sent shivers overs your skin and made your heart race. You couldn't bare to look at him, even less look at Vash anymore. All you could do is stare at the reflection of your trembling hands in the large puddle of blood that had once been the Gun'ho Gun Gazelle, and in which Knives stood barefoot with you mid-air a few feet from him.

'Didn't I tell you he would disregard you and your safety once he had nothing left to gain from you? Just look in what state you are...'

The raging fires from the crates still burning strong were emanating clouds and clouds of smokes and their heat were scorching even all the way here. Still, at Knives words, you felt as if you had been submerged in freezing water; your chest constricting painfully and leaving you unable to breathe. Even the constant agonizing aching of your back seemed pushed so far in your mind.

"Ghost" Trigun x readerWhere stories live. Discover now