Chapter 9 - A Formula for Humiliation

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After the punishment finally came to an end, Anna slowly rose from her seat, her body shaking with humiliation and disgust. She didn't look at anyone or say another word as she stumbled out of the classroom, her head and body leaving a messy trail of brown sludge out the door.

Mrs. Johnson's features were stony, her eyes scanning the room as if daring someone to say something out of line. But the other students were silent, their eyes glued to their desks as they tried to process the shocking events that had just occurred.

After a long pause, Mrs. Johnson finally spoke, her voice tight and tense. "I need you all to be more mindful of your words," she said, her eyes sweeping over the room. "Teachers have no control over the disciplinary system, and in case you didn't know, that smell doesn't just wash off."

Andy couldn't help but feel a sense of dread settle over him as the rest of the lecture wore on. The atmosphere in the classroom was heavy, weighed down by the shock and horror of what had just occurred. Even Anna's absence seemed to be felt, her presence having left an indelible mark on the room.

Eventually, the sound of the janitors' arrival broke through the thick, heavy atmosphere of the classroom. But to Andy, it was nothing new. He had seen the yellow-suited janitors appear on the scene many times before, their arrival heralded by the unmistakable scent of cleaning chemicals. He barely even noticed the men in jumpsuits and masks as they methodically scraped and wiped the brown paste from every surface it defiled.

It was like a well-choreographed dance, the janitors moving in synchronized steps as they worked their way around the room, wiping up every last remnant of the sludge. But to Andy, it was just a blur, a mindless routine he had witnessed countless times before. As the janitors finally packed up their supplies and left the room, Andy could feel the emptiness inside him grow. He knew that things would never truly be the same again, that the events of the day would leave a permanent scar on Anna, and on himself.

But for now, all he could do was sit there, lost in thought, as the sound of the bell rang out, signaling the end of the class. Slowly, the other students gathered their things and filed out of the room, their eyes downcast and their expressions heavy with sadness and regret.

Andy took his time gathering his things, his heart heavy with guilt and shame. As he left the classroom, he couldn't help but glance back at the spot where Anna had sat just a few minutes before. The area was spotless now, the only remaining evidence of the punishment a faint smell that still lingered in the air.

As Andy walked down the crowded hallway, his ears pricked up at the sound of hushed whispers and snide remarks. His heart ached as he listened to his fellow students mocking Anna's plight, their cruel words adding insult to injury.

With every step he took, his anger grew, fueled by the callousness and lack of empathy that surrounded him. Andy wanted to stand up to them, to defend Anna and demand that they show some compassion for their fellow human being. But deep down, he knew that his words would fall on deaf ears.

The science room buzzed with energy as Andy entered, his eyes searching for an empty seat amidst the throngs of students. His gaze lingered on the sea of unfamiliar faces, trying to catch a glimpse of someone he knew. And then he saw them, Sarah and Miranda, two girls from his previous class. He made his way towards them, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves twist in his stomach.

As he approached, Sarah turned to him with a warm smile, making his heart race with anticipation. She looked up at him with clear blue eyes, her long blonde hair falling in soft waves around her face. Next to her sat Miranda, her rainbow-highlighted shoulder-length blonde locks a stark contrast to Sarah's golden flowing mane. Her eyes, a bright shade of green, sparkled with mischief and a hint of danger.

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