Chapter 8 - We Already Covered This

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As the two of them made their way to the classroom, Andy felt a fluttering in his chest that he couldn't explain. He couldn't help but steal glances at Anna, admiring the way her hair flowed as they walked and the way her curves filled out her clothes.

The hallways grew more and more crowded as they walked, the noise level rising to a dull roar. But even amidst the chaos, Anna remained a steadfast presence by his side, her warm smile seeming to cast aside the world around them.

When Andy and Anna slowed down outside the classroom, his gaze drifted over the waves of her soft brown hair bouncing with every step. He couldn't help but feel a little envious, and a lot admiring, of her youthful energy and vibrant confidence. It was like she was living life on her own terms, while Andy struggled to feel comfortable in his own skin.

When they finally settled into their seats, side by side, Andy couldn't help but feel a jolt of excitement. It was like they were two pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly together, despite coming from different backgrounds. They were both struggling to make sense of the morning's events, but together, things felt a little more manageable.

Anna turned to him, her eyes shining with warmth. She smiled, and it was like the sun had appeared in the room, casting light into the shadows on edges of Andy's mind. "Thanks for being there at lunch," she said, her voice soft and sweet. "It meant a lot to have someone to talk to."

As Anna's soft chuckle filled the air, Andy felt a wave of relief wash over him. It was like her presence in the room had shifted the atmosphere, making everything feel a little bit brighter and less overwhelming. He couldn't help but admire the gentle curve of her lips, the way her brown eyes sparkled with warmth.

"Don't worry about it," she said, her voice as soothing as a cool summer breeze. "I know things have been weird lately—for all of us." Andy felt a flutter in his chest as he realized how much he appreciated Anna's understanding, her ability to see through the chaos and find the beauty in the world.

"It's like the world has gone upside down," he offered up, searching for the right words to express the tumultuous feelings swirling within him. Anna nodded, her eyes seeming to glow with understanding.

"I feel the same way," she whispered, her voice lilting with empathy. "But we'll both make it through this, I know we will."

Andy couldn't help but feel nervous as he sat in Mrs. Johnson's Geometry class, her no-nonsense demeanor seeming to cast a shadow over everything. The piercing gaze of her blue eyes seemed to scan the classroom for any signs of misbehavior, as if daring anyone to defy her authority.

Despite the sternness of her gaze, however, Andy couldn't help but find himself drawn to the subject of Geometry. There was something satisfying about solving its intricate puzzles, a sense of accomplishment that he craved. And Mrs. Johnson's strict grading system only made him more determined to excel, to prove to himself that he had what it took to succeed.

As Mrs. Johnson began taking attendance, Andy couldn't help but marvel at the teacher's appearance. Her gray pantsuit pressed against her frame, sleek and professional. Her hair was an immaculate sculpture, twisted into a bun that sat atop her head like a crown.

Despite her strict demeanor, Andy found himself strangely attracted to the subject of Geometry. It was mysterious and alluring, like a secret code waiting to be cracked. Even Mrs. Johnson's disapproving glare couldn't dampen his enthusiasm for the subject. Every day, he found himself eagerly waiting for her class to begin, his mind buzzing with the possibilities of what he might learn.

Mrs. Johnson's commanding presence filled the room like a tidal wave as her throaty cough echoed through the silent classroom, sending shivers down Andy's spine. He couldn't help but feel a pang of nervousness as she strode purposefully over to the whiteboard, her fingers curling around a dry-erase marker with practiced ease.

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