Chapter 2 - Guinea Pig

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Wave after wave of nausea washed over Andy as he took in the damage. The putrid stench overwhelmed him, making his stomach churn. He couldn't even begin to imagine how Jessica felt, trapped in her own nightmare of filthy humiliation.

For a moment, no one spoke. The silence in the room was a deafening roar, each of them lost in their own thoughts and emotions. Then, the sound of someone retching filled the air, breaking the stillness like a siren.

"Well, that was certainly unexpected," Mr. Green's cool voice sliced through the stillness of the classroom like a blade. "But let's not let this distract us from our work."

Andy's heart pounded in his chest as the reek of excrement swirled in his nose. Mr. Green's calm demeanor was almost too much to bear. How could he act like this was just another day at school?

"Can anyone identify what kind of poop this is on the Bristol Stool Scale?" Mr. Green's voice was commanding, laced with an air of power that made it hard to ignore.

Andy felt a surge of anger and disgust. How could Mr. Green talk about poop so casually at such a moment? Apart from a little patch under her chin, Jessica was totally covered in it. He could feel the struggle in her eyes, the indignance and embarrassment. His heart sank as he watched her discomfiture grow by the second.

As the awkward silence hung in the air, Mr. Green's calm voice filled the room, his words cutting through the stillness like a knife. "Anyone?" he asked, his eyes sweeping over the grotesque scene with a nonchalance that left Andy feeling numb.

Finally, Jessica herself timidly raised a dripping hand. "Mr. Green...this is really gross," she said, her voice quivering and strained. "Can I please go clean myself up?"

"Miss Jefferson," Mr. Green addressed Jessica with a heartless air of nonchalance, "real-life examples provide valuable learning opportunities. Depriving your classmates of the chance to learn from what's right in front of them wouldn't be fair, would it?"

Andy felt like his world was collapsing right in front of him. How could Mr. Green be so indifferent to the suffering of one of his students? Here Jessica was, coated in a muck that seemed to have come from the depths of hell, yet Mr. Green seemed immune to her suffering—his eyes fixated on her like she was nothing more than a specimen for scientific study. As she reached a shaking hand to wipe away fresh grime that had oozed over her mouth, Andy felt his heart break.

"But it bad..." she protested meekly, words punctuated by breathless gasps as her jaw trembled.

Jessica's distress was almost too overwhelming for Andy to bear. He wanted to hold her close, to comfort her and make everything right again. But all he could do was watch in horror as Mr. Green brushed aside her turmoil, his expression a cold mask of authority that seemed to brook no argument.

"I know, the smell is a little bit off-putting," he intoned, his voice a dry well of dispassionate conviction. "But I must insist that you remain seated so we can all fully appreciate the properties of fecal matter—which are, after all, central to our lesson."

The lumpy, gooey mass heaped atop Jessica's head kept oozing down her face like a relentless tide. Andy watched in horror as the sticky, viscous substance seeped into every crevice of her clothing, clung to her hair, creeped down her legs and into her shoes like a slimy serpent. The bile-colored sludge seemed alive somehow, pulsing with a sinister energy that sought to swallow her whole.

He wanted to scream, to rescue her from the torment she was enduring, but he felt frozen in place, trapped in a surreal nightmare. The grotesque mass seemed alive, a symbol of the severe punishment for speaking out.

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