2 - Burning eyes

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"Your grace" Aemma said with a large smile on her face

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"Your grace" Aemma said with a large smile on her face.

The queen remained silent for a time as she was still trying to process the sudden arrival of the princess. " Princess..?" She forced herself to smile and all the lords also seemed to realize the presence of Aemma and stood up to greet her.

" Wh— what are you doing here ?" The queen asked her gaze falling onto her princess' scar.
Aemma had chosen a flying gown with a neckline low enough to remind the queen of their last meeting but that remained ladylike. And she was delighted to see that her choice hadn't gone unnoticed by the queen whose face went pale as she saw the scar.

" The wedding your grace." Aemma smiled. " I would never miss the wedding of my dearest friend." She explained even if she knew that it is not entirely true.

Alicent offered her best fake smile to Aemma before speaking again. " But we haven't sent any invitations yet."

Aemma returned the smile. " No need for such formalities my queen, we are family Helaena wrote me by herself."

" The wedding is in four moons. I'm sorry, Helaena must have forgotten to write it." The queen tried but Aemma shook her head.

" Oh don't worry your grace, I'm well aware of when the wedding takes place. I figured that Helaena might need a friend to help." The young princess spoke with an even larger smile and the lords shared a look full of confusion.

" Is.. your mother coming princess ?"
Alicent asked trying to hide her worries.

" No. She has important matters in Dragonstone she would like be here but she cannot." She explained.

Still, none of the lords had any idea of what to say and Aemma sighed before talking. " I had an exhausting day, I will rest now."

Aemma didn't bow to her queen or wait for any response and left them here before walking towards her grandsire's chambers.
Many lords and ladies bowed to her as they crossed her way but Aemma didn't return the salutation until a lord she had forgotten about and his lady wife came directly to her. " Princess, we wanted to tell you how much your arrival has lightened the day." The lady spoke.

" Oh you honor me, my lady." Aemma smiled, the lady bowed and Aemma wanted to go but the husband spoke.

" Congratulations for your growth princess, you were a child when I last saw you, I see that Dragonstone did you the greatest good. I couldn't think of a better nickname to describe you." . He said with a voice that made the princess uncomfortable.
" My nickname ?" Aemma asked frowning.

" They call you the most beautiful woman in the realm princess, but I doubt that anywhere across the Narrow sea there is any woman prettier than you." He said and Aemma frowned even more, seeing the princess' uneasiness his wife bowed quickly lead them away before she had the time to answer.

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