3- Loneliness

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" So

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" So... do you enjoy the afternoon so far my prince ?" I asked feeling my mother's gaze on me. She was carefully listening to us probably hoping that I could get along with Aegon.

The answer was no.
For almost an hour we've been walking through the gardens, hand in hand and we only shared a few word since the annonce of the morning.

He was boring as hell, he didn't enjoy reading about he history of our country, he didn't enjoy studying the philosophy either. He didn't even like fighting even though he was a great fighter.

I couldn't understand how he could be the brother of Helaena and Aemond who both were passionate books and history.
Who both were passionating

"The weather has been kind." He replied and here we were, slowly walking in the gardens.

The only good thing of the day was that my mother and the queen were walking behind us and I often heard their laughters.

This made me less sad. At least someone was happy about this union.

Perhaps they should marry.

"So.." he spoke up. "My sister, is she really that weird freak who eats spider and snakes ?"

Seven hells. I hated him. I just wanted to hit him in the face.

" Helaena doesn't eat snakes and spiders you idiot. She is studying them."

"Studying ?" He laughed mocking his sister.

" Yes. She's studying them. Perhaps you should try studying too instead of spending your hours drinking and torturing your brother."

He laughed again and made us turn to another alley.
I turned my face in an attempt to see my mother but she and the queen were now far behind us.
"Mh. My brother." He muttered. "So I understand that you two are now, fond of each other ?"

"He's my friend, and that is not of your concern." I spat at him snatching out of his grasp.

" I believe it is. Now that you're my betrothed, I think that it is in fact, my concern if my moron brother is falling for you." He spoke leaning down toward me.

"Aemond is not falling for me you stupid rat. He's my friend."

" Mh, I'm impressed, my stupid brother managed to have a friend." He laughed again and took back my hand when our mothers approached before leading us towards them.
"Mother, dear sister, I entrust my betrothed to you now that I have to get to Ser Criston for my fighting lesson." He said before bringing my hand closer to his lips and chastely kissing it. "I shall deeply miss you."

My mother smiled at her brother as she took my hand and watched him getting back to the castle.

"I understand that you two are getting along ?" The queen asked looking to her son.

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