4- Driftmark

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Three months had past since Rhaenyra's departure for Dragonstone

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Three months had past since Rhaenyra's departure for Dragonstone. Aemma had been alone for the most of it even if Helaena  and Aemond had tried their best for her to still feel at home.

Now that the Velaryon boys were gone, Aemond spent most of his time in the library, reading about the Valyria of old, Westeros before his great-great-great-grandsire's conquest. But mostly, about dragons.

How they're bounded to their riders. And how a bound can be broken.

He hadn't been to the dragon pit since the day of Aegon's gift and he didn't really care about the dragons in the dragon pit anymore.
He would have a dragon of his own and if Dreamfyre didn't want him to be her rider, Aemond would find another.

He wanted to know what did he do wrong for his egg to never hatch.

"Aemond ?" He turned his face and smiled at Aemma who was behind him reading over his shoulder.  "I wasn't done reading."

"Oh ? Sorry."

For three months, Aemma and him had spent most of their time here. Reading about many things but they both preferred reading about dragons.
He believed she wanted to know why did Bloodfyre escape.

She was four at the time, it was five month before Aemond's sixth name day and they were at the dragon pit. It would have been Aemma's training day but the maesters announced them that the dragon was lost.

And after few months they told them that Bloodfyre was probably dead.
A dragon this young, alone in the world couldn't live long.

But Aemma never stopped believing that she was alive somewhere.

"Look what I read." She spoke giving her uncle an opened book.

Wargs are supernatural beings who live through animals and can eventually control them by transferring their consciousness into them...

" ....Their warg ability starts with dreams in which they see through the bounded being." Aemma read as if she knew which sentence Aemond was reading.

"And ?"
The prince asked unsure about what she wanted to show him. Aemma sighed and took the book about dragon that they were reading.
" Se kipagīros rȳ se zaldrīzes issa. Hae se zaldrīzes rȳ se kipagīros issa"
She read in a perfect high Valyrian.

" The rider is through the dragon. As the dragon is through the rider ? " Aemond translated not sure about what it meant.

" There is no word for exist in high Valyrian but you get it ! The bound between a dragon and its rider is the same as the bound between a warg and his animal ! This means that dragon rider can be warg if the bound is strong enough !"

" Ok but I don't understand why you're talking about that now."
He whispered reading again the same passage.

He couldn't understand why would she point that out here and now.

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