5 - Out of sight

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Wrapped in a black cloak, her silver hair hidden under the fabric, princess Aemma was riding toward the street of steel as fast as possible

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Wrapped in a black cloak, her silver hair hidden under the fabric, princess Aemma was riding toward the street of steel as fast as possible.
Her eternal bow was the only thing she brought from her room. Along with her purse.

She knew that she didn't have much time before Trystane discover that she had left the walls of the keep.
She had to get to the street of steel and get her armor before leaving by the river gate to find Bloodfyre and fly to the stepstones.

" My lady, I must ask why would you need an armor ?" The smith asked when Aemma gave him his money.

She could answer, tell the truth, but then again, she shouldn't trust anyone here.

" I grateful for the armor." Was the only thing she replied before getting on the her horse and ride to the river gate.

The sun was still far from rising but she had a long fly ahead. Probably the longest she ever had.

" Who goes there ?" A knight of the city watch asked and Aemma cursed.
Since when was this city properly guarded ?

" Only a skin seller my lord." She replied keeping her head down.

" Amd why would a skin seller have a royal horse, whore ?"

Fuck. Think quickly, Aemma.
" A gift from the prince Aegon, my lord." The princess had to bite her tongue not to throw up after saying that lie.

She cursed herself, why did she take a horse from the royal stables ?
She didn't have the time to complain about that because the man opened the gate.

Of course.

At least that disgusting lie was convincing. Aegon was often called The Prince of Flee Bottom in the city or The Silk Prince sometimes.
Not because of his soft hands, but because of the places he was known for spending his time in.

It was only when she was outside of the walls of the city that Aemma started breathing correctly. She rode towards Aegon's High Hill before getting off her horse.

" Come on, Big girl." She whispered praying all the known gods that Bloodfyre would feel that she needed her and come. "Nyke ao jorrāelagan, ñuha raqiros." ( I need you, my friend.)

She only waited a few seconds before hearing Bloodfyre's screeching but it felt like a lifetime. The red beast landed on the water between the blackwater rush and the blackwater bay and opened her left wing to help the princess mount her without having to step in the water.

" Let's go." Aemma whispered once she was saddled but Bloodfyre's attention was now completely focused on the horse Aemma had stolen in the stables. " Come on Bloodfyre, soves !" She tried but the dragon approached the horse and tilt her head waiting for the autorisation.

" Fine, ipradā." ( Eat.) The princess sighed.
Bloodfyre made a sound that terrorized the poor horse and ate it without even burning it. " Soves !" She shouted and the dragon spread her giants wings to take off.

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