Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
The end and the beginning

As I think back on everything that's happened in my life, I realize you, Amber, might not get to the end of my story. Maybe you didn't have the chance to read all the words I wrote, but it's comforting to think that you marked a favorite part of mine with a folded corner.

As I go through my feelings and deal with being alone, I hold onto the memory of us being friends. Your friendship was like a bright spot in the dark, showing me that there are kind and caring people out there.

Even if you never finish my story, know that you'll always have a special place in it. You reminded me of the beauty of connection and understanding. As I keep writing my life's chapters, I'll always remember our friendship as something precious.

In July, schools opened again after a long time, and I felt hopeful stepping back into the classroom. But things felt different. People seemed distant, and I started doubting myself. Was I imagining things, or was everyone really being cold?

I felt scared and unsure of myself, especially because of past experiences with bullying. I wanted someone to reach out and be a friend, but it felt like there was a wall separating me from everyone else.

I started feeling bitter and resentful, wondering if I'd ever find real friendship. But then, Kai and Jade reached out to me. Their kindness made a big difference, and we became friends.

With Kai's support, I faced my exams and did well. Their friendship was like a light in the darkness for me.

Then, in October, I got sick with Dengue fever and spent my birthday alone in the hospital. It was a lonely time, but it also made me realize how to be okay with being alone.

In December, the loneliness felt even worse. School wasn't the same, and I struggled to find joy in anything. But Kai was always there for me, and their friendship kept me going.

As the New Year came, I still felt empty inside. School was boring, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of being disconnected from everything.

When exams came in March, they added to the pressure I was already feeling. And after they were over, I had too much free time to think about how empty I felt.

I wondered if I'd ever be able to feel emotions again, and if my friendships with Kai and Jade would survive. The future felt uncertain, and I didn't know what would happen next.

So, that's where I am now, standing on the edge of uncertainty, hoping to find my way back to feeling something again. Will my friendships hold up? Only time will tell.

To be continued...

The Story Of My LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz