𝕮𝖔𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝕯𝖆𝖞 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 - I

Start from the beginning

I was sitting on the edge of the bed, stuck in a loop of thoughts. She had scared me so deeply, I jerked back onto the bed, and lay awkwardly sprawled onto it.

"My apologies My Lunos, but I've been in here for five minutes now." She revealed as she stood before me awkwardly, motioning to all the things she had fixed around the room in that time.

"...Five minutes?" I uttered absently.

"Yes, my liege. In all honesty, I feared that something was wrong with you the way you stared off unmoving. I was about to run for the Royal healer." She mumbled while looking at me with a softened look. It was filled with worry and boarded on sympathy.

I waved her worries off with a soft shake of my head before I glanced to my window to catch the sunrise.

"So what's on the planner this morning?" I questioned while pulling my muscles into a light stretch.

For the last week as a way to keep myself occupied from Jayden's provocations, I've been taking charge of several charity events planned annually for the villagers.

I loved every minute of the field work I was doing. It reminded me of what's to come of my internship.

On the first morning, I went with a fleet of guards as well as coachmen pulled horses to the edge of the boarder where our farmers lived.

I hand gifted each of the farmers new tools as well as spelled them each anything they had been missing. Fresh clothes, medicinal potions, crop fertilizer, new barn tools, hay.

I made soooo much hay that day.

I thought the guards were a bit excessive but Leon ensured me they'd be out of sight and out of mind. Which was partly true, my super-hearing made me aware of their presence but they moved out of view in the outskirts of the land.

They took the whole 'protection of the crown' thing pretty seriously. I doubt any of these sweet country folk wished to see me dead, they gifted me eggs and freshly harvested crops native to the territory.

Anyways, the rest of my days I set a course to visit every large village in the pack. Each was more or less the size of a town. I made a mission to explore, indulge, and help the less fortunate.

I window shopped at the market places amongst the villages. Tipping handsomely to shops that were running slower than others.

I loved a good small business, there was one in particular that sold hand made lace lingerie. Don't ask me what my plans are, my wedding was coming up and that's all you need to know.

I also figured out ways I could help the slight strain of financial inequities within each villages class. I drew up an intricate plan that I wanted to propose to the king and the elders.

I know I made a real difference, and it was exhilarating know there's still more I can do for the people and the future generations.

Oh Goddess, speaking of future generations.

When your a Lunos to be, everyone who had a baby wanted your blessing.

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