Trauma. (PT 2)

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... Milo heard the snickering and got into fight mode, but then remembered if he were to try and hurt his mother she would hurt him back even worse so he laid low feeling guilty and traumatized of the sore sight to see of Jake's body haunting him. Milo went back to looking through his stuff maybe being able to find a reasoning of WHY he had killed himself, only thing he could find was his sketchbook with some disturbing vent pictures aligned with diary notes on the images, he read through them, looked at every piece of art intuitively. The one that stuck out to him the most was the one with a blurred hung man plastered in Jake's own blood with a reasoning on the side, a description for this drawing saying "Deep depths of darkness surrounds my blood, reawakens with a man above the ground it should be me. I hate my classmates." Milo had no words or understanding of what that meant except for the last bit. He decided to keep the sketchbook in his own room for further investigation. [Time Skip] "Zoey, one of the most FABULOUS people in the school recently got 1 million views on a post she made about mocking Jake's death!" - A poster in Rosemeadow. Zoey sashayed down the hall with Lia by her side having a smirk on her face, Lia looked disappointed in Zoey for making such jokes about Jake, one of the nicest people she knew. Zoey was talking about how she recently got ahold of the image of Jake's death! She talked about how she was going to get so popular by posting the photo. Lia didn't like the idea but didn't want to say anything because she didn't want Zoey to be mad at her, Zoey headed to class with Lia along her side and Drew immediately got out of his seat and punched Zoey right in the face throwing her to the ground as well as spilling water on her melting her makeup off. The entire class laughed, took photos of the mess called Zoey, she STORMED out of the classroom, dragging Lia with her. Drew felt accomplished, although the violence was an accidental reaction to seeing her. She had walked back into the class with her gym clothes on and a HUGE bump on her forehead, everyone tried not to snicker because Zoey was already death glaring each and every one of them especially, Drew. The class bell rang and the Jomies went outside, but Zoey came storming at Drew snatched him and threw him to the ground and beat him up, causing her to get suspended for physical bullying. Lia looked relieved that she was gonna have a one week break from Zoey but also knew she was gonna be lonely while she was gone. But before she knew it the post's of her "bullying" Drew had gotten everywhere as well as the images of her soaked on the floor. Zoey purely broke down and stormed into the school despite being sent home, but little did they know she had tricks up her sleeve, an entire lighter even, she set fire to the school leaving most of the students traumatized and Zoey being expelled. She deserved it though Henry said laughing manically, Drew and Liam joined in on the laughing. Hailey was too scared to go back into the school after the alarm so she hugged Zander insisting him to stay outside with her. Zander eventually got her inside, but the school remained on 'safety' mode to ensure that Zoey wasn't going to get in and do it again. The dismissal bell soon rang and Daisy decided to take a visit to Jake's house to comfort Milo. She knew Jake's mom was almost never home because she was always out drinking so she expected Milo to open the door, but no it was Jake's mom she death glared him and then put on a fake smile asking if she could talk to Milo resisting the urge to not punch her. Jake's mother guided Daisy to his room where Milo  had been rocking back and forth traumatized and crying over Jake's death. He didn't know what he would do without Jake in his life. When Daisy walked in she sat on Milos bed patting him on the back, and all she could say was "it's going to be alright Milo" Milo's response was...


PT 3 Will be out soon! Thank you all for supporting this series so much I genuinely appreciate it <3 

Word Count [765]

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