What Happened?

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WARNING! This chapter has topics about overdosing on drugs, suicide and trans Jake headcanon if you do not like any of those topics please skip this chapter :)

.."Yeah  I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?" Drew knew that was a complete lie after he had saw Jake having mental breakdowns multiple times and the amount of times he saw Jake getting abused is enough to clarify he isn't 'okay' he gave Jake a hug and said if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always open, and he walked away leaving Jake stunned he started crying as no one has ever said that to him before in his life he was so happy he had a friend who cared and didn't just watch from the sidelines. Although Drew had been watching him without saying anything for a while without him knowing not in a creepy way, he just never knew what to say. The bell rang for class and Jake covered his face as he went to class as his life was in shambles. Jake was in the back of the class overdosing on some kind of pill he was given by some stranger he knew it wasn't safe but he didn't care. He started slamming his head on the desk and the entire class stared at him as he started talking to himself, Daisy escorted him out of the classroom to the nurses office and when they got there Jake passed out with his face turning blue. The hospital was called and Jake was put into an ambulance, and sent to the hospital they found out Jake had taken drugs known as "happy pills" but he was allergic to a certain ingredient in them hence why he had passed out, Daisy was kicked out of the room for when they were putting him into a hospital gown but when they were they realized Jake was wearing a binder? A female nurse got called to the room to change him instead and that's when they found out Jake was born a girl! They were all super shocked but didn't mind it they just needed to keep him alive. His heart rate was getting worse and they were getting worried he wasn't going to live, Daisy was outside crying in hopes Jake will be alright, Daisy got sent home completely worried about her partner.

A few days had passed and no one has heard from Jake since, Drew had paid for several of Jakes surgeries hence he's loaded and Jake's BFF, the entire class even his bullies were worried about him. Then later in the day as the teacher put on the news for people to watch at lunch they saw Jake on the news. Captioned "Man jumps off hospital roof!" Daisy collapsed into tears as it was the day before valentines day and the only person she ever loved like this has passed away. The news stated that this had happened a week a go and he's been dead, Drew stared into the TV with tears forming in his eyes as his bestfriend had died, he knew Jake wouldn't get a funeral because his parents didn't care about him so he decided to schedule a funeral for Jake and his parents weren't invited, but the thing is it wasn't confirmed if he had died or not they only said "Man jumps off hospital roof!" he had hopes as it was just an attempt or a false news article, afterschool Drew went to the hospital and there was Jake in bed still in the same form as he was when he got to the hospital, Drew was confused but he was relieved that Jake was okay. He sat on Jakes bed and spoke to him about school and Jake woke up the moment Drew was about to leave with the words "Don't go.." in a soft muffled tone. Drew gasped and ran up to Jake and hugged him he noticed the self harm scars on Jake because of his short sleeves but he ignored it and was happy that he was awake, Jake told Drew that he heard the stories Drew had told him about school but he had no energy to say anything, Drew called Daisy over saying "JAKES ALIVE" Daisy was in the middle of a talk with Sean but she ran over leaving Sean in her dust with the words "JAKES ALIVE!!" Sean followed Daisy as he was shocked when they got into the Taxi Daisy hired they ran to Jakes hospital room and there he was happily talking to Drew. Sean ran up to Jake first and....

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