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Zoey had sent the voice clip of Jake saying those things about the music club EVERYWHERE people started making fun of him and bullying him, pushing him against lockers and telling him to die. He had to relive his trauma of elementary and middle school, every break time during school he would break down into tears. He was petrified, he thought high school would be his escape from bullying but he was wrong, since the kids were older they were tougher and always beat him up, everyday he would cry and when he went home his only comfort were his dog and his brother, Milo. His mother would hit him for being such a crybaby he was sick of it he would chill in his bed completely burnt out just watching videos with a blank stare, every now and then he would find something funny in one of the videos he watched but that was rare, he faked sick often so he could stay home, his dad would make sure he was alright. He was contemplating suicide but knew if he died it would affect his dog, his brother and his dad, but he couldn't take the bullying anymore, then the day he finally went back to school after 2 weeks, it was a living nightmare.

He walked into school trying to cover his face as much as possible, the Jomies came up to him asking if everything was alright, Jake replied to them he thought continuing to be friends with them would help him escape the bullying and stress, it helped him distract himself from others but the bullying didn't stop, whenever Jake was alone he would get bullied punched and thrown against lockers having tons of bruises, they laughed at him for being thin due to lack of eating, when the bullies walked away he started crying. Luckily every class he was in was with Henry, Liam and Drew so he couldn't get bullied in class since Drew always protected him. Hailey came back to school also she came in late with red circles under her eyes indicating she's been crying, Jake has dark circles and red circles under his eyes but at least Hailey was eating unlike Jake. Jake was worried for Hailey he wanted to ask if Hailey was okay but he knew she would get mad at him for talking to her because they told Jake to never talk to them again so he kept it to himself. He always hung out near the rooftop with the Jomies. Jake often made suicide jokes but the Jomies never thought anything of it thinking they were just jokes and he never meant it. 

Jake laughed it off as it was a joke but deep down inside him they weren't jokes and he truly meant it by saying things like "what would happen if I jumped?". Drew would always invite the Jomies and Milo over to his house, Jake would always want to invite Milo so he could escape their mother too. They would just play games all day sometimes even have sleepovers at their house just to help Jake get out of depression, it made him forget about what happens at school and home but he was always still severely depressed. When he went home, he went to closet and just stared at the rope, contemplating suicide, he said to himself "not today maybe life will have some meaning to live soon". He then cried himself to sleep, it was another school morning and Jake hid his face as he walked in the school everyone was laughing at him. He put on a doctors mask and fake coughed in school so everyone would avoid him, it worked he wasn't bullied for most of the day, until some kid found out he was faking sick and started to beat him up, he had a black eyes and some scratches on his face he started to bleed from the eye too. He went to the nurses office to get a bandage for his eye, then he went to the Jomies, they asked him what happened to his eye? He said he fell down the stairs and his friends stared at him suspicious because they knew it wasn't from "falling down the stairs". 

Jake said "lets just go to class! heh heh" they all agreed looking angry knowing that Jake had lied about what happened to his eye, when he got to class he got partnered with Lia he couldn't even look at her in the eyes because of what she did so he kept quiet most of the project Lia had a look of guilt on her face, Zoey was furious because she was paired with Hailey, but the teacher didn't make her trade partners. So she slapped Hailey then left the classroom, Jake tried not to pay attention but he felt so bad because he still cared about Hailey even if she does hate him, he never hated her. Daisy was in this class and he kept giving Jake instructions on the project with a happy smile on her face she blushed she seemed happy to be explaining this to Jake so he blushed too since she made him happy, he stared into her eyes barely paying attention to the instructions then suddenly he caught himself and started writing down notes of the instructions she gave him about the project, before Daisy walked away she said 'If you need anymore help!" she then walked away with a smile on her face, Jake was happy and started continuing the project. Lia looked sad, he seemed to be more interested in Daisy than in her, she didn't mind to much though and continued to work also.

The next block bell than rang and Jake was finally free and went to go eat lunch, but he didn't know his friends had to go to practice so he was left alone at lunch becoming a perfect victim for bullying since he had to friends to protect him. His bullies came up to him and started mocking him laughing at him and throwing food at his face, he tried to hold in his tears as much as he could to make sure they didn't know they got to him. When his friends got back from practice they didn't know where Jake was so they checked the washroom and they saw him crying in there alone. They rushed up to him and started comforting him asking what was wrong, he said "it's nothing I'm fine" then walked out of the bathroom covering his eyes making sure no one could see the red circles under his eyes. His bullies came out of nowhere and started bullying him because he was crying like the little "loser" he is they said, although he wasn't a loser, having feelings and emotions doesn't make you a loser. The Jomies came out of nowhere to go and defend Jake from his bullies. They slapped his bullies and took Jake and ran away to ensure his safety. He let go if Drew's hand so he could go look for Daisy, he searched the halls even waited at her locker until when he was walking past the girls washroom he saw Daisy, he went up to her grabbed her cold freshly washed hands and stared at her.

The only words that left his mouth were "commit suicide with me, Daisy" Daisy was shocked that Jake felt this way about life and respectfully declined his request she said "there is no need for suicide as long as i'm here i'm the only joy and will to live you will need in life, Jake so just trust me and stay alive with me" she winked then walked away leaving Jake completely flustered he felt his cheeks and noticed he has dried tears on his face he went to go wash that up and go to class acting like he didn't just have a mental breakdown, the Block E bell rang and as Jake was walking down the hallway to Gym his bullies did something BIZZARE to him...

(Dropped) [Jake Sterling's Suicide Story] Jaisy || TMF (Read Desc for TW'S)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin