1 Year Later: Demonic Discovery

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(No One's POV)

Ever since Vergil's departure to wherever he had gone to, Boy and his twin sister Girl have been training from five in the morning to near midnight to strengthen themselves. Tanjiro tries to get them to not overtrain but they want to prove themselves to Vergil. During the year the twins got to learn about their fellow brother-sister duo's past. Nezuko became a demon after Tanjiro's family was attacked with Nezuko being the only survivor along with Tanjiro because he was out during the time. After he carried Nezuko through a snow storm to find help for her, she transformed and was nearly killed by a demon slayer named Giyu Tomioka but instead he knocked them both out and left behind a note saying to find Urokodaki to be trained. The twins shared their condolences with them since they had a happy and loving family, something the twins couldn't share. When Urokodaki heard that he was concerned and the twins decided to elaborate if they were gonna be with this people for four years straight. They explained that their former family have done nothing but abuse, neglect, disown and force the two to fend for themselves their whole lives. Their younger sisters had all the love while they were hated for an unknown reason with their "father" beating them up for no reason, their "aunts" burning their arms and legs to "discipline" them for stealing food to try and survive, their "sisters" beating them and using their weapons on them while the one who gave birth to them had done nothing but despised their very existence with constant threats to either kill them or leave them for the grimm, has poured cheap alcohol on their open injuries and constantly reminds them that she should have aborted the both of them. Nezuko and Tanjiro were in tears hearing that kind of back story for people who were barely even six while Urokodaki was silent the whole time. He couldn't believe that the children in his care and under his training have experienced so much pain so early in their lives yet strangely for opposite reasons. The Kamado kids having lost their family while the two unnamed twins were both essentially tortured by their family for not having aura or a semblance, something out of their control completely. One thing that truly stood out for him was when they said that when they first met Vergil to when he departed, they had a strange feeling they never have felt in their lives whenever they were around him.

Urokodaki:" What is this feeling feel like exactly? How do you feel?"

Girl:" Warm and...safe."

Boy:" Like I have nothing to worry about so long as I am with him. Like he is a knight watching over us."

Urokodaki was confused a little but he had now three kids to train until Vergil returns from his father's home dimension so he simply readied dinner while telling the kids to continue their sword swings with Tanjiro barely being able to hold his sword after having to do fifteen hundred swings but just five hundred more and he'd be done for the day. The twins on the other hand had trained their whole lives by themselves and from Vergil so stamina was usually plentiful but that didn't mean fatigue wasn't common. After five hundred swings and Tanjiro crying his eyes out from the multiple cramps he's gotten, the group went inside Urokodaki's hut to get ready for lunch with was cooked fish and Tempura so they sat down to eat but there was something eating away at the small group and the sensei was well aware.

Urokodaki:" I can tell very well that you three have something that is making you quite uneasy. Care to share?"

Tanjiro:" O-Oh well it's just that Nezuko has been asleep for a while hasn't she? Every since the twins told us what have happened I just feel that her not waking up for so long may mean something."

Urokodaki:" Usually demons don't require the need to sleep but because she seemingly retains her humanity to a certain extent she still may. What is stranger is that it appears to be a hyper sleep as it is required for something important. What it is we must wait to find out."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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