𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 06. black hoodie

Start from the beginning

     "Actually, I can only see one."
The occult specialist looked up, interested in what she'd just heard.

     "Are you related to this ghost?"

"That's the point... No. We don't even know each other."

"Is he a perfect stranger or have you seen him before? Even if you don't know him personally."

All the questions were effective and there was no denying that Rachel was smart, even a little too smart. It was getting to be too intrusive bit Nana had to keep Sunghoon's situation.

You have to say enough to get the answers you need, but not too much to protect Sunghoon.

The former member wasn't the kind of person to gossip, plus she was the only one who could help her and seems pretty serious...

She could try to trust her but she preferred to remain cautious.

"I don't know him. He's a perfect stranger."

"I'd read a similar problem in a newspaper last year but it's in the club."

This thing about the club and condemned classroom was beginning to annoy Nana.

Even if an explanation was at their fingertips, it had to be spoiled by the club's inaccessibility.

"Excuse me but if your things were so important, why the fuck did you leave it all there?"

"Do you think I did it on purpose? If I'd been given time to get it all back..."

"Don't you remember what it said?" Rachel became pensive for a few seconds.

     "A little bit. When a person can see the ghost of someone they don't know, it means there's a strong connection between them. Like soulm"

"Not that shit again!"
The black-haired girl had rolled her eyes but tensed as she realized. "I mean... I don't think it's possible. Is there anything else?"

"I'll check it at home, but this link is very special. Even though we're talking paranormal, I think there's an element of logic and rationality. Are you sure you don't know him?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

The teen felt bad about lying, but she was convinced that this detail wasn't important.
After all there was some truth in it, she didn't know Sunghoon.

When he was alive, they never spoke; all that linked them was the ice rink.

"I have to go. If you can get the key that would be amazing. We'll meet here after lunch."
She'd suddenly stood up.

"Okay but... Where can I find Jungwon?"

"Huh... I don't know. We haven't talked since the club closed. He made that decision and I'll be mad at him for the rest of my life."
Then she left the room, leaving Nana alone, her head full of confusion and ideas.

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