Just then his phone rang. He picked it. It was his assistant,

" Yes"
" Sir  your meeting is fixed on 9 Am. "
" I'll be there"

He looked at the clock and it was 7:30. He went to his bedroom. After getting fresh he went to a dining place. As always he was all alone there was no one for him. He sighs and leaves without having breakfast. Though it was cooked and placed on his table by his cook.

At sharp 8:45 he entered his office. Everyone who saw him stood up and wished him good morning. Not because they are afraid of him but because they respect him.  He was in no mood to wish them back so went to his personal lift and went to his cabin.  And started working.

After meeting when  He was working on his laptop when someone knocked. He thought it must be his assistant so let the person in. When he saw nobody spoke he looked up and again looked at his laptop as if he don't care for the person and spoke,

" I think you are at the wrong place. Mss. Natasha. I don't this this Marketing department."

" I know that sir, But I saw you when you were entering, you were looking so tense. sir you know I can help you to release your tension."

That was the last blow for him. He has seen her many times Showing him her body intensely but always ignores her. But this was enough for him now he can't continue like this.

He stood up from his seat and went towards her. She thought he may fulfill her wish but he grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the cabin.

He was hell angry from morning Everything  was wrong and now his anger is a pick.


She realizes her mistakes so that he won't come to her trap. When she didn't answer he shouted,


she said in small voice,

" CEO Vidhyut Sinha"

" Correct This is the cabin of  CEO VIDHYUT SINHA, not some strip club. I am your boss. And don't you know me I AM NOT SOME MANWHORE whom you can trape.

Vihaan Vihaan"

Vihaan who listened his boss shouting comes to there,

" Yes sir"
" Clear her all payment till now and fire her and make sure after this she can't come near even 10 km of Sinha group."

Natasha has no option apart from crying. Everyone knows that he won't take his words back. He looked everyone is looking at them he should at them also,


saying he left from there.

One of the new employee said,

" how rude he is"

The other girl who work there said her,

"Never say that again. He is not rude. He is the most genuine person. You know that bitch was trying for him for many days but he didn't say anything. Today she must have crossed all her limits, that's why he was angry with her."

" But then why didn't he take advantage? If there was any other person he would have taken advantage of her."

" That's the difference between him and other bosses. We don't respect him because we fear him but we respect him because he deserves it.  You know it's hard to find a person like him. He doesn't believe in this kind of hook-up. He is pure one woman man"

" Then his wife must be luckiest girl"

" But he is still single. You know every girl in this office wants him but he doesn't even look at them.  Let's get back to work because we can't be that lucky girl someone whose fate God has written with golden pan will get him"

" Then at least once in my life I want to see that girl. I think he will fall for some modal or some business woman with powerfull background"

" God knows "

On the other hand after leaving office Vidhyut is going to the boxing club because that is the last option from him to late out all his frustration.

When the driver stopped the car he asked what happened?  He told him about the signal. He nodded at him and closed his eyes. While resting his head on the seat. Then only he was disturbed by beautiful voice.

" Yeeeeee"

He looked towards the voice and saw there was a girl who was dancing on the footpath. And her friend is trying to stop her.  Because they are veru near he can able to listen what they are talking.

" Stop it Jeevi what are you doing? Everyone is looking at you "

" What Mahima I am just celebrating we have finally completed our exam and now we are free and after vacations we will go to college "

" But idiot, this is not the right place to celebrate. Everyone is looking "

" I don't care" saying she jumped on her place with happiness.

This brought a smile on his face without knowing him. All his anger, frustration went in the air like it never existed.

Her full ear to ear smile, beautiful voice, her pouty lips when her friend Stopped her from celebrating her last exam paper, her big eyes showing her happiness  that she will go to college.

But her friend dragged her from there and having no option she left with pout on her face. Only after agreeing that they will have Pani Puri on their way as a celebration treat.

He came out of his trance when he heard the horn of the vehicle.

" What the fack are you doing Vidhyut? Getting attracted to a girl who has  just completed her schooling. This is not right you idiot.  What happened to you ?"

He scolded himself and asked the driver to take him to his penthouse instead of the boxing club. Because now he doesn't feel the need to go there.

So here is the first chapter. Hope all of you like it.

How do you find vidyut's entry? And his behavior as boss.

What do you think will he able to keep his emotions himself when next time she will come infront of him.

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