Puffing a smoke, Toga glance back at Zero before he continue to move forward. After some minutes of silence, "Good. I hope you don't start collecting some vampire like stray cause base on those brats, it seems like it's one of your hobby"

Nearly tripping in surprise, Zero look at his Master who stop and look back at him with a raise eyebrow. With an incredulous look, he ask, "what!?"

"It's what those brats of yours told us. You had been picking a lot of children and teens like a stray kitten picked up on the street." Puffing another smoke, he stare outside to the forest as he lean on the wall. "Speaking off, where the hell are your brats?"

Zero stare blankly at his Master before he close his eyes and massage his head with one hand and sigh. "I will just ask the brats about that. As for where they are? They're still inside the Academy. I told them to avoid the humans and vampires alike. Even though they look human, they don't know how to act like one. Hakudoshi will kill anyone without any hesitation. While Kanna don't know how to act like a child infront of anyone except for me, her presence alone will perturb both human and vampire alike." He finish as he also look toward where his Master is staring when silent fall once again.


"Those brats of yours, the Yokai, a Hanyou, another world, the past of yours; if this ever get out, the whole vampire society and the hunter association will descent in chaos."

He scoff "I'm definitely the bringer of chaos then."

"That's why the chairman and Kuran put that gag order. Better not let those brats of yours wander out too much, including those friends of yours."

".... I'll warn them"

Toga glance at Zero before he straighten up as he grab something on his coat and retrieve a letter then pass it to Zero

"Here. Those on the higher-up request you, better prepare yourself."

After that, he left Zero alone in the empty corridor.


The next day, after Ichijo leave Kaname's room, Kuran Kaname who was laying in a coach while reading some paper, state suddenly "Do you have any business with me, Kanna."

Standing silently from a corner, Kanna observe from a distance

"I've been watching since the beginning, and the only one here who is a danger to father is you."

"So you came to kill me then?"


"Oh? Why?"

"If I kill you, there would be a war, father will be put in more danger. This, is just a warning."

"A warning huh."

"I don't like you. You remind me of Sesshomaru-sama and my creator. A royal, cold blooded and cold-hearted creature like Sesshomaru-sama. And a manipulative cruel creature like my creator. We already lost father once, we will not lose him once again, specially in the hands of someone like you." Then without any indication, Kanna disappear.


Ichijo, who left Kaname's room not too long ago received a letter that freak him out, and totally disturb the other night class.

"Wake up! Tonight my grandfather would be here!"

Aidou who's sleep has just been disturb "Ichijo, are you really a vampire? Why do you have so much energy during the day. Why don't you go play in the sunlight and turn to dust, just like the the vampire in manga you force me to read."

"I would turn to dust if I could..." He said as he open the curtain, irritating Aidou more

"It's bright! I'm gonna kill you!"

"You're really afraid of your grandfather, aren't you, vice president? He's that vampire....." Kain ask

"Yes. In the human world, he made the Ichijo group grow so large that now all human business transactions involve his company. In the vampire world, he's the head of the most distinguished clan of aristocrats. Asato Ichijo.... Also known as Ichio. One of the oldest vampires on the Senate."

"We have nothing to fear." Ruka said as she lean on the door. "The Senate is indeed the highest governing body of our world....but they are not our sovereign."

"Yes.... Well that is true, but-"

"Heh~ so you'll have a visitor this evening, and an important one to boot! This sound fun!" Hakudoshi who just appear out of nowhere beside Ruka step inside the room, making the other jump in surprise.

"Hakudoshi! What are you doing here!?" Ichijo surprisingly ask

"I'm just looking around and I hear something fun." He grin as he start poking around the room, annoying Aidou more

Ichijo who was horrified, tried to talk him down. "Hakudoshi. The person coming here tonight is very dangerous. You heard what I say earlier right? He is from the Senate. If you do something that will get his attention, I don't know what will happen. Kaname-sama put a gag order concerning you all so you need to cooperate."

"Hahaha.....no need to worry. I'm just messing with you. Of course I won't start anything. Father already warn us, and above all else," His voice suddenly fall serious. "I will not allow father to be in danger."


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