17) Circles

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Instead of waking up alone in my bed, I've been getting to wake up next to Tony in his. After the certain day out at the beach with all our friends, I haven't been back at my own house since.

My mom hasn't called or texted me once since I last saw her, so, I just haven't made the effort to be in contact with her.

But besides that, Tony and I have been closer than ever, and I have made so many new friends who I cherish dearly. They are all the sweetest people I have ever met.

Well, MOST, of them...

It's funny because I never even thought about the people Tony, and the rest of the guys might know, until I saw the man himself, Oli Sykes. Now that was someone I never would have expected to be standing in front of me. But there we were.

That was a crazy experience... Now real talk, where's 5 seconds of summer when you need them. *cough* Michael Clifford *cough*

Would pay Tony a million dollars for that to happen.

"I'm so boreddddd," Vic whines, sprawling on the floor and elongating the last word to emphasize his point.

"Then pick up a controller and join us. Quit being a crybaby," Kellin retorts, his focus never wavering from the game in front of them.

I look up from my phone looking at Vic "Sing for me. Have you been working on anything new?" His eyes light up with enthusiasm at my interest in his creative endeavors.

"Yes, actually. I've been working on this new song—" Vic begins, only to be abruptly interrupted.

"Absolutely fucking not. No singing," Jaime interjects, cutting off Vic. He turns to me and adds, "Laura, be quiet. Vic needs to rest his vocal cords so he can perform in two da—" Before he can finish his sentence, Jaime abruptly drops his controller and shoots up from the floor. "QUÉ MIERDA!? WHO DID THAT?! WHO DID THAT!?" he shouts, pointing accusingly at the others. Without a second thought, Kellin leaps over the back of the couch, dashing towards the bathroom. Jaime chases after him closely behind, but arrives just as Kellin slams the door shut and locks it.

Tony and Vic exchange a glance, shrugging their shoulders in unison. Tony then diverts his attention to me, wearing a mischievous smile.

"Jaime sucks at Mario Kart," he teases, a playful glint in his eyes as he looks at me before turning back to Vic.

Vic snorts with amusement, sprawling back on the floor once again. "I'm bored," he repeats, voicing his restlessness. I nod in agreement, sharing his sentiment.

"I'm bored too. Let's do something else," I suggest, leaning my head on Tony's shoulder.

Tony turns to face me, his eyes locked with mine. "What do you want to do?" he asks, genuinely interested. I take a moment to ponder, contemplating our options.

"Let's go to Target," I propose, glancing back at Tony. His face lights up with a grin.

"Let's do it," he agrees, planting a quick kiss on my lips before springing to his feet, gently pulling me up with him.

"You're going shopping?" Vic asks, curiosity piqued.

"Yep," I reply with a smile.

"Can I comeeee?" Vic drawls out the last word, hoping for a positive response.

"Nope," Tony interjects, making me giggle at Vic's reaction.

"So you're going to leave me with those dickheads?" Vic retorts, pointing behind him as Jaime pounds on the bathroom door in frustration.

Jaime- "FUCK YOU!"
Kellin- "HEY!"

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