9) don't go, please

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As I ascend Kellin's driveway, my gaze involuntarily falls to my arm, where dried blood mingles with memories of the outburst that had triggered the unfortunate collision with a piece of broken glass. Regret tinges my thoughts, a complex emotion intertwined with the physical reminder on my skin.

Glancing at Kellin's illuminated windows, a slight relief floods through me; at least he's home. Oddly, he hasn't responded to my message, a departure from his usual promptness. Amid the turmoil in my mind, I don't have the luxury of dwelling on this right now. My options are limited, and I find myself standing at his doorstep, desperately seeking some sort of comfort.

With a determined stride, I approach the front door. The reality of the situation bears down on me, a surge of emotions welling up within me. A lump forms in my throat, and I feel the tears behind my eyes, threatening to betray the strength I'm trying to hold. I take a steadying breath, attempting to compose myself before finally knocking on the door. The sound reverberates in the air, a harbinger of the vulnerability and hope that have brought me to this point.

The sound of approaching footsteps draws my attention to the door, which then swings open, revealing a scene that spikes my heart rate. My eyes widen, and I instinctively part my lips in a momentary panic.

Kellin is not the only one here.

"Laura?" The confusion is evident in Jaime's voice as he utters my name, his gaze landing on my arm, which is coated in dried blood, and the surprise in his eyes mirrored by the shock that flickers across his features. I'm momentarily rooted to the spot, my mind racing as I scramble to find something to say, some way to explain this situation that doesn't expose the dramas of my family life.

"Uh, Kellin," Jaime's voice carries a note of disbelief as he glances back into the room. The sight that greets me confirms my suspicions – the entirety of Sleeping with Sirens and Pierce the Veil members is present. The gravity of the situation dawns on me as I stand exposed in the doorway, my vulnerability laid bare for all to see. The tension in the air is palpable, a stark reminder that I've unwittingly walked into a room filled with people who may not understand the intricacies of my life but will surely bear witness to its aftermath.

All eyes shift towards me, but my focus lands on Tony, his expression marked with furrowed brows and genuine concern etched across his features. The connection between us is instant, and the weight of his gaze is enough to fracture my thin veneer of composure. Before I can stifle it, a sob escapes my lips, the sound muffled by my hands that I instinctively press against my face. My intentions to keep everything hidden have been shattered in this room full of unexpected witnesses.

Amid the surreal tableau of curious eyes, it's Tony and Kellin who spring into action. They rise from their seats with synchronized urgency, moving towards me like beacons of comfort in a sea of uncertainty. The rest of the group remains frozen, unsure of how to respond to the emotional turmoil that has been unveiled before them. As their steps bring them closer, I'm engulfed by a pair of strong arms that wrap around me, providing solace and shelter from the storm within me.

My head rests against Tony's chest, a position that feels both unfamiliar and strangely intimate. The rush of emotions threatens to overwhelm me, yet the simple act of his arms around me is a lifeline that I desperately cling to. In this sea of uncertainty, his presence becomes an anchor, grounding me in a moment that otherwise feels like chaos.

"You're okay," Tony's whispered reassurance reaches my ears, his presence a steady anchor that keeps me grounded in the midst of my unraveling emotions. His arm securely wraps around my waist, and his touch is a gentle comfort as his other hand finds its way to my hair, brushing it away from my face. In that vulnerable moment, a flood of emotions surges within me, and I feel the dam of my composure crack and give way.

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