15) Pregnant?

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"Laura," I hear a voice, but it slowly fades into background noise as I roll over, pulling the blanket underneath my chin.

"Laura, wake up," I hear Tony say, his voice soft yet persistent, gently shaking me. The room gradually comes into focus as I open my eyes, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. I blink away the remnants of sleep, meeting Tony's concerned gaze.

"Hmm?" I hum, closing my eyes again.

"Uh, Sierra's calling you. She's called you like 27 times in the span of 5 minutes," Tony says gently, his fingertips softly tracing up and down my arm.

I groan, rolling onto my stomach, covering my face with my hands for a few minutes before lifting my head up. I glance over to Tony, who's already looking at me, a small smile creeping onto his face. The room is filled with a comfortable morning quietness.

"Good morning," he says, and just the sound of his voice makes me blush, so I hide my face into the blanket.

"Good morning," I mumble into the blanket before hearing my phone go off again, making me groan. I hold my hand out, not lifting my head as Tony passes me my phone. I blindly click the answer button, putting the phone up to my ear.

"Laura, thank god, I need you right now. Please, I need your help. I don't know what to do," Sierra sobs on the other side of the phone, catching me off guard instantly.

"Sierra, what's going on?" I say, urgency in my voice as I get off my bed as fast as I can. I quickly throw on a random jumper lying on the floor and slip into my shoes, not bothering to do up the laces.

"I can't explain right now, just please come quick, and uh..." Sierra trails off, going silent for a moment.

"Sierra, what?" I ask, looking over at Tony, who's looking back at me with concern. The room fills with a sudden tension, and my heart races as I anticipate the unknown urgency in Sierra's plea.

"C-can you get a pregnancy test for me?" she says into a sob. My heart drops slightly as I'm lost for words.

"Laura?" I hear Sierra say, snapping me out of my small trance.

"Yes, sorry, of course I can. I'll see you in 10, okay?" I reply softly as Sierra says goodbye, and the phone call ends.

"Is she okay? What's happened?" Tony asks, moving closer next to me.

"Uhm, would you be able to drive me to Sierra's and stop at the supermarket on the way?" I ask, sending him a soft smile. He nods his head as he takes my hand and his keys. We leave the house without hesitation, the urgency of the situation guiding our actions.


I scan my eyes across the shelves, searching for a test that isn't too expensive yet trustworthy. After a moment of contemplation, I give up and grab a random one. Along with it, I pick a few different bars of chocolate and some ice cream, trying to provide some comfort. I head to the cashier, placing the items in front of her and pulling out my wallet.

"That will be $23.99, please," the lady says. I hand her a $20 note and a $5 note, telling her to keep the change. She sends me a soft smile as I take the bag with my items and make my way back to Tony.

"You got everything?" he asks, looking over to me as we drive off once I put my seatbelt on.

"I think so," I say, looking into the bag to double-check.

"Is she sure she's pregnant? I mean, they haven't been together for that long at all. You would think they would be more cautious, no?" Tony asks as we turn down her street.

Kissing Razors | Tony PerryWhere stories live. Discover now