16) Say it again

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"I don't want to go," I whine as Tony tries to pull me off the bed.

"Laura, we already said we would be there. I told them you were coming too," Tony replies, before pulling the blanket fully off the bed, leaving me there to freeze.

I roll over, looking at him annoyed before throwing myself backwards, laying back down, and putting the pillow over my head. "Please just suffocate me. You'd be doing me a huge favor," I mumble into the pillow before groaning.

"Come on, Lou. Vic will have a fit if you're not there, and I don't want to go without you."

I feel the bed dip as Tony leans over me, pulling the pillow away from my face and smiles softly down at me.

"Pleeeeaaasseeeeee~" he drags out annoyingly as I just lay there, looking at him with no expression. "Sierra and Kellin will be there," he adds, a cheeky smile appearing on his face as he waits for my response.

I contemplate for a moment.

"Okay, BUT," I begin. Tony looks at me with a smile, nodding his head. "Do not expect me to go into that water. You know the beach and ocean scare me for some reason. And don't leave me alone; I don't know literally anyone there besides, like, you, Kellin, Sierra, and your little mates," I say seriously but smiling a little at the way Tony is looking down at me.

"Okay, deal," he replies understandably, holding his hand out to shake on it. I roll my eyes before completing the shake as I push Tony off me. "We leave in half an hour then. I'll be back to come and get you," Tony adds before leaving a gentle kiss on my lips as he grabs his car keys and leaves me to get ready.

I sigh, running my hands through my hair before getting up to grab some clothes. I look through my dresser, searching for the most suitable "beach" clothing I own, which is pretty much nothing.

I push everything around, looking under a bunch of clothes before I come across a plain black bikini that definitely hasn't seen the light of day in years, but it's going to have to do. I pull out one of my many oversized shirts to wear over top because there's no way I'm only wearing a bikini in front of so many other people. I grab a pair of shorts too before quickly changing.

I apply some sunscreen because my skin hates me and I don't tan, then I throwing on some thongs, or what I've learned Americans call them, "flip flops," and sit on my phone, waiting for Tony to come back.


"So, who's going to be there? Besides, like, Kellin and that," I ask as the car finally comes to a stop.

"Um, I'm not sure actually. Probably just like, a few bands from Warped Tour, some bands that know other bands, whoever just got an invite really," Tony says, shrugging his shoulders before getting out of the car. I do the same as I go and stand beside him, intertwining our fingers together before we walk down the ramp that leads to the beach.

"Well, where is everyone?" I ask as we look around, but there's no sign of anyone around.

"TONY! LAURA! HEYYYYY!" We hear someone call out from behind us, causing us to turn around to see what's going on.

Jaime starts running towards us, stumbling a bit from his shoes getting caught in the sand, but he eventually makes it to us in one piece.

"You's are here early," he says, puffed out as he leans over, putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"You all good, Hime?" I say, laughing slightly, placing my hand on his shoulder.

Kissing Razors | Tony PerryWhere stories live. Discover now