4) High

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It has been a week since Tony attempted to kiss me, even though i said no, life has taken a delightful turn. I can't remember the last time I felt this genuinely happy. Being with him elicits emotions I never knew existed, making me feel alive and truly understood.

In the span of this week, we've embarked on a creative journey, pouring our hearts into two captivating songs. The first, titled "Six Feet Under," was a creation born from my own introspection, weaving together tender lyrics with a soft, melodic embrace. It captures the essence of vulnerability and introspection, resonating with the depths of our emotions.

The second song, "One Hundred Sleepless Nights," was a collaborative effort between the 3 guys. The guys, masters of crafting emotionally charged ballads, brought forth their expertise in writing poignant, heart-wrenching lyrics, as well as adding a cool melody to go with it.

The synergy between our individual strengths has resulted in a harmonious blend of musical expression. Our songs capture the full spectrum of human experience, from the bittersweet longing of "Six Feet Under" to the cathartic release found in "One Hundred Sleepless Nights." Each melody and lyric carries the weight of our shared emotions, allowing us to connect with each other on a musical level.

As I slip into comfortable clothes, preparing to wind down for bed, my phone disrupts the tranquility with its persistent ringing.

"For fuck's sake," I sigh loudly, walking over to my phone. His name illuminates the screen, causing my heart to skip a beat before I answer.

"Hey, Tony," I say, a smile involuntarily spreading across my face.

"Hey. Come outside," he says, his voice carrying a playful tone. I glance at the time, seeing that its 12:09 AM.

"Do you have any idea what time it is? My parents will kill me," I whisper-yell, the worry creeping into my voice.

"Then don't let them catch you," he teases, before abruptly ending the call.

I stare at my phone, now devoid of his presence, contemplating the potential consequences if I were to get caught. But in that moment, the allure of adventure and the promise of spending time with Tony outweigh any lingering doubts. Without further hesitation, I hastily throw on a hoodie and track pants, silently navigating the hallways as I make my way towards the front door. Each step carrying a mix of excitement and temptation.

With a sense of accomplishment, I manage to slip out of the door without encountering any distractions. As I step outside, my eyes are immediately drawn to Tony's car parked just in front of my house. A smile plays on my lips as I approach, opening the door on the passenger side and sliding inside. The familiar scent of his cologne envelops me, instantly bringing a wave of comfort and familiarity. It's a scent that has become synonymous with him, a fragrance that triggers a rush of emotions and memories. In that moment, as the scent lingers in the air, I can't help but feel a sense of warmth and anticipation for the adventure that awaits us.

"Where are we going?" I inquire, curiosity piqued, as he hands me his phone filled with numerous music options to choose from.

"That's a surprise," he responds, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, as he drives off towards the mystery location. I return his smile before selecting "I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor" by The Arctic Monkeys to set the mood.

We continue our journey in a comfortable silence, the soft melodies of the song providing a soothing backdrop. There's always been something enchanting about driving at night, as if the world is cloaked in a magical aura.

Suddenly, Tony's unexpected question snaps me out of my reverie. "Have you ever been high, Laura?" he asks, catching me off guard.

"High as in off the ground high, or high as in smoking high?" I respond, turning to face him.

Kissing Razors | Tony PerryWhere stories live. Discover now