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Welcome to my first story! Before we begin, I would like to provide some trigger warnings.

There will be mentions and scenes of !SELF-HARM! and !SUICIDE! in this book, so if these topics trigger you, you may not want to read. I will mark each chapter title with a * if it contains such a scene, and I will also include a * before the scene itself, in case you decide to continue reading but wish to skip those particular parts.

Yes, there will be explicit content in the form of smut scenes.

Also, please note that the characters in this book are entirely fictional. Their actions and behaviours should not be compared to real-life individuals. Real-life Tony should not be compared to the character Tony in this book. same goes with any other character in the story.

I am also using billie eilish as the main character for the story, obviously under a different name but she will be EXACTLY like billie. she has billies voice, her fashion, her songs, the way she writes, but everything about her happening in this story isn't to be put into real life situations. I just don't know that many female artists because i live under a rock.

In this story, all the characters are 18-22 years old. However, I will be using different pictures of them that may not depict them at the age of 18-22. These images are simply meant to provide visual representations of the characters.

I would also like to add that I am 17 years old and have never written anything before, so if there are any mistakes, just ignore them lmfaooo.

ALSO, in the emotional chapters, I am drawing from my own experiences to depict how the characters are feeling. It's important to remember that everyone experiences panic attacks, depression, anxiety, and love in different ways. This is just my interpretation based on what I know. Please keep in mind that it can vary for each individual.

If you struggle with self harm, depression and suicidal thoughts, please know that you are not alone. What you are feeling isn't wrong, as fucked up as it may sound. we're going to be okay. I'm still navigating through the struggles of self-harm and depression myself and I know its going to be a long while until I can stop. I understand that it feels like we won't make it out, but we need to keep going, not just for ourselves but for our sexicans. They wouldn't want us to give up. If they have made it through their own battles, then we can too. If you ever need someone to talk to, please reach out to me or someone you trust.


Anyways. In the next chapter, we will be introduced to the characters. I'm excited to begin the journey with you. Let's get started :)

Kissing Razors | Tony PerryWhere stories live. Discover now