{20} A Familiar Sea

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"Alright, is everybody all set?" Jeremy turned his head.

You and the rest of the crew had finally been able to squeeze eachother into the small submarine. Boss had said this was the only one available for that day so they had to make it work.

You and Lizzy sat in the back, since you two were the smallest. Jeremy took the wheel, because other than you, he was the only one who knew how to drive a submarine.

"I think we'll be good as we'll ever be." Lizzy shifted, trying to keep some space between you and her. It wasn't working very well. The swimsuits they forced onto them didn't help either.

"Off we go then." Mark chuckled, scratching his nose as he sneezed,"Geez, don't they clean this thing?"
"It's a spare, doofus." Lizzy rolled her eyes.

"You'd think a super rich company couldn't hurt to spare a few dollars for some more submarines." Jeremy sighed, starting up the submarine.

The creak of the metal claw could be heard through the metal walls. You felt the submarine shift as the giant claw released you and your crew down into the waters with a mighty splash.

You were now offical in the ocean...

"Why are we doing this again?" Lizzy sighed, staring out her small window.

This was the fifth time she's asked.

"For the last time Lizzy, we are exploring the ocean to see if we can find new species." Jeremy sighed, slowing down the submarine to get a good look at some coral.

"But why here? Especially since the.." Lizzy stopped herself and you felt the small room grow with tension.

You ignored them and continued to stare outside your window. You scowled at your surroundings. They seemed oddly familiar.

"Oh great!" Mark groaned, "Now we're here, to make matters worse."

You clench your seat. The time has come. You feel a hand fall onto your shoulder.
"We'll just speed through, okay?" Lizzy whispered.

You nodded and the submarine went quiet as it swam through the large canyon.

"Alright. I think we should get going now." Jeremy finally spoke. Everybody sighed with relief as the submarine began to rise up the canyon.

You noticed they had dove several feet into the canyon. You kept your eyes shut for most of the ride so you didn't notice that before.

You rested your head on your seat. You had a massive headache from all the stress and just wanted to go home.

Out of the blue (quite litterally), the submarine did a barrel roll, sending Lizzy to slam into your side.

"What the hell!?" Mark yelled as the submarine got hit again. Jeremy tried to regain control of the submarine but you saw multiple flashing lights with 'warning' plastered on.

The submarine slammed against the canyon. It creaked with agony and you could've sworn something broke.

"Stupid territorial sharks!" Jeremy cursed. Lizzy sobbed and you hugged her for comfort. You got a glimpse of a small gray tail and you let your shoulder drop with relief. You then shook your head and scowled. Focus Y/N.

"Jeremy move!" You hissed, grabbing his shoulder. He obeyed and sat where Mark was. You noticed he had moved with Lizzy and was hugging her tightly. You couldn't dwell on it for too long though.

You strapped in and gripped the controls. You got a massive look at the shark now that you were in front and laughed.

"What's so funny?!" Jeremy asked, holding on as the submarine got slammed once again.

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