"Hey, can the two of you quiet down," Brooklynn said. Darius and I looked at each other before walking in front of the group.

We continued walking for a little bit before coming up on a destroyed gyrosphere and a dead Ankylosaurus. "The Indominus was here," Brooklynn said. No shit Sherlock.

Darius looked at the dead Ankylosaurus, who's neck was twisted in an abnormal way. I shuddered.

"Predators don't just kill prey and leave without feeding. This... this isn't right," Darius said.

Suddenly a low growl was heard from the bushes making all of us hide, either in the grass or behind the gyrosphere. A baby Ankylosaurus emerged from the bushes. Ben gasped in excitement. "Bumby!" He exclaimed. Oohhh, I thought that Ankyl looked familiar. Ben ran up to her and started petting her.

"Drooly, smelly, Ben are you even sure that's the same dino?" Kenji asked. "Her big head bump. Dr. Wu said she was asymmetrical. But he's wrong that it's bad. There is nothing wrong with being different or bumby. Or getting tired after reading an overly thrilling book," Welp, this conversation has taken a turn. "And if here parents had listen to her, she wouldn't have come her and gotten attacked!"

I lean in and whisper to Yaz, "Are we still talking about the dinosaur?" "Definitely not," she responded.

Darius intersects, "Look, we need to keep moving."

Brooklynn groans. "Look, I am NOT spending another hour walking through the forest hoping not to run into the Indominus. We need a new plan!" She exclaims.

"Exactly what I was thinking!" Kenji says, "Which is why I had Darius come up with a new one! Lay it one us, bro."

Darius sighed. I'm guessing he is tired of Kenji laying all the responsibilities on him. I shot Kenji an icy look before focusing on Darius again. "Alright. We need to find a safe place to hold up for a bit. Let everyone get recharged," He started thinking out loud, "Camp is that way, the park is that way...  Isn't Dr. Wu's field genetics lab close by? You guys went on the tour. Does anything look familiar?" Darius turned to us.

I think for a second. "Yeah, I think it's that way," I said, pointing South east. Yaz agrees with me.

"Alright everyone agrees, that's where we should go. There's got to be someone who knows what to do." Darius says. A terrifying, familiar roar fills the air around us. The I-rex is closing in.

"Fine. Just please get me away from THAT," I said, motion towards the direction the roar came from. "For once, I agree with Chris, as leader of course," Kenji said. Me and Brooklynn looked at each other, then we both sent Kenji a look. Clearly, we both didn't buy his act.

"What about Bumby?" Ben asked. "She's a dinosaur, bro. She belongs in the wild," Kenji says. "Besides she'll just slow us down. We need to move NOW," Yaz said.

The group started walking forward, Kenji, Darius, and I in the front. Darius started questioning himself. "Should we be heading towards the lab? We need to keep moving but we are starting to get tired," Darius muttered. I put my hand on his shoulder and sent him a reassuring look. Darius looked at me, smiled, and put his hand over mine. I heard Kenji scoff. "Hey, 'Mr. Leader', how can you be so calm," I sarcastically asked, removing my hand from Darius's shoulder.

Kenji shakes his head. "I already told you, if someone gets eaten, I'm not to blame. YOU are. Lea-der-ship," he said. Darius smirked. This is gonna be good. "But if I'm leading us the wrong way, the one that gets eaten could be YOU," Darius said.

That caused Kenji's face to blow up in fear. "Should we be heading towards the lab? Ahh! Why are we moving so slow?" He stared speed walking in front of the group, clapping his hands, "Let's pick up the pace people."

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