.•⦁ Hermitcraft Under Attack ⦁•.

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Alternative title: Grian is outed as watcher
Genre?: Idk •^•
Notes/prompt/idea: Because Grians part watcher, it is almost impossible for him to die of blood loss, but he faints faster then most. He can feel all of his injuries, but his reaction time is almost always very late.
Ship: nope

TW: fighting, bit of blood, brief mention of: broken bones, scars and wounds.
(tell me if I missed any?)

Not main AU.

Starts sorta serious, then I kinda lost motivation :| tbh kinda hate it but wanted to get something out 🥲


Hermitcraft was under attack.
That was all the hermits knew.
Other then the fact that their admin, Xisuma was dealing with the intruder.

But Grian knew more then most. Let's just say he saw more then most.

So Grian decided that he would ignore his admin's advise to stay inside to trade it in for going to find him. Yes, maybe it was against the rules. Yes, maybe it was dangerous. But Grian didn't care.
Anything was more exiting than sitting in his mansion with the rest of the hermits.

•Grian POV•
"X-eyeeeee-zooooo-maaaaaaa? Where are youuu?" I asked drawing each syllable in his name out.
"Grian? Why aren't you with the rest of the hermit-
"bored" I quickly cut him off.

"Yes I know, but hear me out, I was bored!" I stated with little enthusiasm.
"BEING BORED ISN'T A GOOD EXPLANATION OF WHY YOU'RE HERE." He sounded mad. Did I make him mad?

"I think it's a solid excuse." Was my calm answer.
"Get back to th- his sentence was cut short once more, but this time it wasn't me.
This time it was a watcher barreling into Xisuma. He panicked and cut its wing while I just stared at the fight in front of me.

I observed that the watcher had small wings and only a few extra eyes. 'An amateur' I thought to myself. 'He's so stupid that he came here on like, what? His fifth mission. Why would you come to such a guarded server before you had a higher rank?'

When it dawned on me that I should probably help X, he was already pretty roughed up.
His helmet lay on the ground next to him beyond repair and he had a huge cut on his sword arm that was bleeding heavily.
'Ouch. That'll probably leave a scar.'

I jumped from my spot into the fight, grabbed the watchers wings and just started fighting it head on, no gear.
Zee-zoo-ma looked up at me in pure shock and horror as the watcher directed it's attention to me.

We only got a few hits on each-other before I heard Suma's protective but horrified voice shouting "Leave Grian alone! You were fighting me!"

"Dad, I've got it covered! Get out of here and make sure the other hermits are okay!"
"NO! I'm not leaving you with this watcher!"
"Mr. doom man, I mean this with all due respect. GET OUT OF HERE DOOFUS!" I shouted over my shoulder.

As soon as the watcher started using its powers instead of just its fists, I also tried a different approach. As I turned into my watcher form, I heard two gasps. One from my beloved Dad- I mean admin, and one from the amateur watcher I easily outranked.

Once I demoted, scolded and banned the watcher something hilarious happend.

Every hermit came running in, lead by...
"SHISHWAMMY!!!" Hmm I wonder who that could be?
Awwww poor papa K, I feel kind of bad for leaving, but this was definitely more exiting! And I got to save da- my father figu- my admin. Yes he's my admin. 'Don't get to attached' that was my most important rule.

"ZEE-ZOO-MA! We can't find Grian!" Another voice, and of course it's Doc.
But I thought Doc didn't really care for me? "MUMBO AND SCAR ARE FREAKING OUT!!!" Ah there it is. I should probably transform back to my player form, but I kind of want to see how this plays out, besides... who doesn't like a bit of chaos.

Apparently not X because he decided to comfort the group. But to be honest, I doubt he knows where I am anyway.
"It's fine Keralis! You did your best."
"I just lost one of your members and you say it's fine?!?"
"Grain's hard to keep track of! What can I say? I think he's close to my base, but I don't know exactly where he is. I'll just look up his cords."
"But what if the watcher has his communicator?!?"
"Oh Fu- fffffffllip I didn't think of that."

At this point I had planned of a way to scare everyone. So I put 'operation scare the hermits out of their wits' into action.

I jumped out from the wall I was behind and acted like I was fighting 'Grian'. To the other hermits it looked as though I was fighting a watcher and I was behind the wall.

After a while I got tired because the amateur watcher actually got a few lucky hits on me. I teleported behind the wall in my player form, sank to the floor, and just lay there, listening as footsteps got closer and louder.

I closed my eyes as I heard gasps. Most likely Keralis. It probably looked really bad, I cracked one eye open and stared at the huge gash on my stomach. Hmm I didn't notice that that was there.

For Notch's sake I'm going to get babyed so bad that I'm never going to be alone ever again.

I started to fake cry "Ker- Keralis... it hurts".
I know, I'm the best actor ever.
"Shhhh... it's going to be okay Grian."
I closed my eyes again and everybody began to panic. "STRESS, DOC, GET HEALING SUPPLIES!!." I whined, it felt like he shouted directly in my ear. Not very considerate.

But then the pain actually hit me. It felt like I was dying. I swear. The blood loss hadn't impacted me yet, (luckily) but when it does that'll really suck.

"Grian, I need you to keep your eyes open bud."
"But tired, Grian sleep."
"No no buddy, you can sleep later, right now you're talking to papa k. Please stay awake."
At this point I was actually starting to feel the effect blood loss. I wasn't acting anymore, it really really hurt now.

"Pa- papa." I managed to get out.
His answer sounded hopeful "Yes Brian?"
"M' he' Hurt" with that my vision got fuzzy, and I let the darkness consume me.


Waking up in a a room with Keralis after you're hurt is nice. If you didn't break every bone in your body, he always finds a way to hug you.

Because I had a slash across my stomach, I got a side hug from Keralis. And I also the question I was waiting for "Do you wanna cuddle?"

Of course I nodded furiously at this, and I got my cuddles.

Keralis took off his shoes and sidled up next to me on the bed. Every time he moved very far or he shook the bed he would ask "Is this good? This isn't hurting you right?"
I just shook my head at all these questions and waited patiently until he was laying next to me.

We talked for a bit before X came in. Prior to X coming in, I nearly nodded off.

Keralis decided that he was going to sit up put my head in his lap, and stroke my hair. This made me fall asleep almost immediately.

I didn't hear the conversation dad and papa had, but I figured it was about me. With this last thought, I fell asleep feeling safe.


I wanted to add more, and then I got lazy. If anyone wants it, I'll write the aftermath. (Or X and Keralis' conversation.)
But as I said, I don't really like this one :|

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