{Chapter 19}

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In the evening, both Kakashi and I had left the apartment, and were headed on our way to the main gates. My parents used to live on the way outskirts of Konoha...that would explain the ninja  from other countries traveling by frequently.

This was one of the times I was glad the silver haired Jounin was by my side.

It might have been a hour or two later until I caught a glimpse of my old home. Every step we took closer to it, the more I became uneasy. I curled my hands into fists, digging my fingernails into the palms to get me to think of something else other than the dread I was feeling.

Kakashi glanced over at me as we made it to the main steps but he didn't say a word.

I tested the doorknob, finding that it was locked. I went on my tiptoes, and reached above the door frame to grab the spare key. I unlocked the door, pausing a second before I actually opened it.

The air inside was stale and dusty. Cobwebs hung everywhere. In corners, cracks and over furniture.

As I walked through the home, and past the kitchen, I tried not to notice the two huge dark spots in the hardwood floor. I had tried to clean it when I still lived here...but it just never came out.

Kakashi had stayed behind, checking out the place as I headed into my father's study.

I scanned the bookshelve, trying to find some sort of document that could answer my question.

I pulled out a couple books, finding behind one a scroll. I pulled it out, taking it with me into the main room to see what Kakashi was doing.

He was crouched down over the spot where my parents died, possibly contemplating what had happened. He stood when I came in and asked, "What did you find there?"

"Hopefully an explanation for all this." I retorted. "Though I'd rather read it somewhere else."

He nodded, walking with me out of the home. We had walked maybe a fourth of the way back when I sensed something behind me, and moved out of the way to have a kunai whiz past my head. I immediately pulled out a kunai, arming myself and Kakashi did as well. I scanned the trees, looking for the attacker.

"Show yourself." I commanded, and was somewhat surprised when the ninja actually leapt down from the trees and landed in the middle of the road. It was a man, the lower half of his face covered by a mask and he was armed with a sword.

"You have something I want." He began, stepping forward.

"What do you mean?" I acted coy, slipping the scroll into my weapons pouch for safe keeping.

"That's none of your concern. Now, give me to me." He ordered, now charging full speed at us. Kakashi had moved in front of me, blocking the ninja's blow and disappeared. Within a second, he was behind the ninja, kunai to his neck.

"Who are you?" Kakashi demanded, "Did someone send you?"

"My name isn't important. I'm just one of many." The man answered cryptically before somehow managing to disappear into thin air.

After that encounter, Kakashi and I made the small journey back to Konoha and our apartment. We didn't say anything the whole way about the mysterious ninja.

I went into the living room, and opened the scroll to see what information it might hold.

The title, Kaminarime, I could translate to Lightning Eye.

"Such an original name." I had to remark with a roll of my eyes before reading through the script. "Apparently, not only can I see what will happen, but also...in the Hayashi clan, we have huge amounts of chakra, and the control to master it."

I glanced up at Kakashi, and questioned with a small smirk, "You think we could tap into that?"

He didn't respond at first. Maybe he was debating the idea before he said, "You do know you couldn't just dive head first into this, right?"

I nodded. "I didn't plan to. I know it will take some work."

He gave a close-eyed smile before walking over to me and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"We can start tomorrow."

I couldn't keep the smile off of my lips and let out a small cry of joy before my arms wrapped around his neck to give him a hug.

"Thank you." I murmured into his shoulder.

He pulled away just enough to see my face and replied genuinely, "Anything for you."

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