{Chapter 17}

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The next day, after a round of training, it was just me and Kakashi sitting underneath a tree. I was trying to catch my breath after I had gone through continuous hours of sparring and practicing my skills.

Eventually when my heart beat slowed down enough to be comfortable, I glanced over at the Jounin and noticed he was reading his book.

While he wasn't entirely expecting it, I snatched the book from him, curious as to what part he was reading.

"Michiko..." He started, reaching for the book.

I stretched so the book was out of his reach and I couldn't help the smile appearing on my lips as I looked at him. "Come and get it."

Soon enough, I was somehow lying on my back with him hovering over me and he had gotten a hold of the book. "There." He said with a humored tone, though his expression changed as he was watching me and the same was true to me.

I reached up, my fingers curling around the edge of his mask. He didn't say anything to the contrary so I began to pull down the mask gently. I barely made any progress when he seemed to reconsider and his hand grasped mine.

"Not yet...I'm sorry." Kakashi apologized, sitting up now.

My lips pursed involuntarily as I sat up as well, removing my hand from his face but still holding his hand.

"It's all right. I can wait." I assured with a small smile.

He nodded, then he brought me closer and his arms enveloped me. He kissed the side of my neck through his mask and for some reason, it almost had the same effect on me as if he was kissing me without it.

I wasn't going to rush him or anything about his mask. I respected his choice, no matter what the reason for it was.

When he pulled away, he covered my eyes with one hand and I was just about to ask what on earth he was doing but then I felt the same pressure that I did before on my lips. He removed his hand, his arms wrapping around my waist and my hands went on his shoulders. This was different from the last time. Not as cautious. The passion came through this time, a warmth spreading through my body.

I honestly didn't want it to end but then he pulled away after a moment, and I opened my eyes just as he was done replacing his mask.

He must have known what I had been thinking somehow and explained as he stood, "It may not be a good idea to do that here..."

"Uh, yeah, right." I awkwardly agreed, standing up.

He grabbed a hold of me when he teleported away and we ended up back at the apartment.

I didn't even have time to react as I was pressed up against a wall and he must have pulled down his mask beforehand because his soft lips crashed down on mine.

My arms wrapped around his neck, bringing him closer to me until there was no room between us. His hands moved from my waist down to my hips, but just stayed there though.

I deepened the kiss slightly, not seeming to get enough of him. I wanted to go a little further but...when he wasn't even comfortable showing me his face, I wasn't about to press my luck.

Although I wanted this moment to last forever, his lips eventually left mine, and when I opened my eyes, again I was met by the same vision I saw always. Kakashi with his headband and mask still on.

It almost felt like he didn't trust me enough to let me see his entire face.

The emotion hit me like a hammer striking down on an anvil. Full force in a small amout of time.

I bit my lower lip to maybe stop myself from doing something stupid, and I moved away from him.

The surprise was evident in his eyes.

"Michiko, what's wrong?" He questioned worriedly and I found I couldn't answer him without possibly flying off the handle so I didn't say anything as I just went into the bedroom and locked the door behind me, sitting on the floor.

I closed my eyes, and a little bit later, I heard a soft knock on the door. "Can you let me in?"

I slowly stood, debating the option before unlocking it and opening the door for him. I sat on the bed as he walked in.

"What was that all about earlier?" He asked as he sat down next to me, "Did I do something to upset you?"

"I-...No...well, I don't know." I murmured slightly. He didn't speak so I continued, "I feel like...you don't trust me or something that you won't let me see your face...I said I would wait, and I keep that promise but I have to know if the reason is because of me or not."

He shook his head, "Michiko. It's not because of you. Just...I have my own reasons. It has nothing to do with you."

I nodded slightly, looking up from my lap to him and just gave him a hug. "I'm sorry for overreacting."

"Don't be." He simply assured and it gave me a sense of comfort again.

We stayed like that for a while, and I hadn't entirely realized I was falling asleep in his arms until he shifted so we were both laying down, and my eyes slipped shut.

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