Roxie gave him a bored look. "Your hair I going to be fine, Kenji. The storm has already moved up coast from us," she said.

Kenji grinned. "Cool! Now it's time to show these fools how driving a gyrosphere master is done!" He exclaimed, walking towards a gyrosphere when Roxie grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "No way! You're riding with Ben, as a passenger," she said. "Seriously!? But he's so, uh..." He trailed off as he motioned to Ben.

Ben presses the joystick to move slightly forward, sending him flying and smacking his face on the glass. I burst out laughing. "You good?" I shouted to Ben. He gave me a thumbs up.

I ran towards the gyrosphere, trying to beat Darius to the driver seat. "Shotgun!" He shouted. "Rosa Parks!" I responded and hoped in the driver seat. I smirked at Darius. "Get in, passenger," I said, smirking. He rolled his eyes and got in the passenger seat. Brooklyn joined us. "Let's go," I said, taking off.

We drove along the the herd and it was amazing. Brooklynn was on phone the whole time. "Guys, how awesome is this!?" Darius exclaimed, looking at the Stegosaurus. "I know right!" I responded.

Brooklynn wasn't paying attention and muttering comments to herself. "Used to be cool...? You've made Jurassic World boring... Lame... lame... No one likes you anymore..." she muttered, sounding like she was about to cry. Darius and I exchanged looks and tried to make the blogger feel better.

"Uh, hey, did you know that an Ankylosaurus's tail is strong enough to break bones," Darius explained. "And that they're called living tanks because of their armored backs. I mean, even their eyelids have armor!" I explained. Darius looked at me with a shocked expression on his face. "I know stuff too dino nerd," I said, smirking and nudging him with my elbow.

"Oh! Well, did you know that the smartest dinosaur is the Troodon. I mean, can you believe for having a big brain despite being smaller than the T-rex-"

"Can you believe I don't care!" Brooklynn snapped, cutting Darius off. Both Darius and I looked at her with wide eyes. She realized what she did as she widen her eyes, filled with guilt. "Sorry, sorry... I'm just... having one of those days," she said as she turned away and crossed her arms, "There's a lot of pressure when your whole life is about being popular and I'm not like you. I just can't tell a lame story and move on-" She cut herself off when she realized what she said. I looked over at a hurt Darius.

"It wasn't lame," he muttered softly. I laid a hand on his shoulder and softly smiled at him.

Brooklynn shook her head and faced us. "Trust me, it was. It totally was but you're not even fazed... Because I just need people to... like me," she said, her eyes filled with pain and she turned away again.

We were suddenly cut off by the truck as we stopped and get out of the gyrospheres. "Hey gang, change of plans. Storm's getting worse, so we're all going back to camp. Fun, right?" Dave said, standing up on the side of the truck. We all complained. "Don't blame me, blame the storm," Dave said. "I blame them both," Roxie said from the driver seat. Roxie tried talking into the walkie-talkie but all she heard was static. "Ok, new plan. Storm's interfering with the radio so Rox and I will drive ahead and tell the others we're pulling out. We'll be right back. Stay together and stay behind the herd," Dave tells us as he gets back in the truck and they drive off.

Thunder cracks loudly, scaring one of the Sinoceratops away from the herd. "We got to get her back to the herd," Darius said. "I don't know, Dave and Roxie told us to stay here," Brooklynn said. "But if we don't go after her, she could get lost. Beside, I bet your followers would love a dino chase," Darius said. Brooklynn looked at him, then her phone, then him again. "Great it decided," Darius said. "Don't I get a say in this," I said. "Even if you are against it, it's still two to one," Brooklynn said. I rolled my eyes and took off after the Sino. The rest of the group following close behind.

We chased after the Sinoceratops I accidentally ran over a tree root, almost causing Brooklynn to drop her phone. "Sorry," I said. Brooklynn looked at me and took the piece of gum she was chewing and she stuck it on the corner of the screen. "Automatic phone holder," she said. "Cool," Darius said. "Also gross," I finished. "Just keep driving Snippy," Brooklynn joked. "Ma'am yes ma'am," I joked with a salute.

We were still chasing after the Sino, but I am suddenly regretting this. She got even more spooked and whacked us into the herd, causing them to scattter. We clinged on for dear life as the herd kicked us around like a soccer ball. "Get us out of here, Chris," Darius shouted. "I'm working on it," I shouted back, trying to get control of the gyrosphere. The herd knocked us into the forest and we spun around for what felt like hours. The screen finally lit up and I moved the joystick and we stopped.

We were all breathing heavily, probably from screaming. We all looked at each other and starting laughing. "Hey guys, look," I said, directing their attention to the Sino from early. "We can still get her back to the herd," Darius said.

Brooklynn got out of the gyrosphere and headed towards towards Sino. "Brooklynn what are are doing!?" I asked. "Here we go! Another Brooklynn exclusive! Keep watching cause it's about to get real!" She said loudly to her phone. Both Darius and I unbuckled. "Wait, wait! Brooklynn wait!" Darius called out as we chased after her. I have a bad feeling about this, I thought.

The Sino bellowed at us, causing us to scream and run back to the gyrosphere. "Too real! TOO REAL!" Brooklynn shouted.

We jumped in and buckeld up. The Sino charged at us and her horn broke through the glass. We all started screaming as she shook us around, trying to get gyrosphere off her horn. We flew off her horn and started spinning again.

Then we abruptly stopped. "Nice save Chris," Darius said. "Umm, that wasn't me," I said, my voice shaking. We looked around and found ourselves stuck in mud, slowly sinking

Dun dun duuuunnnn! Hope you enjoyed!! Until next chapter

Fulcrum Out!

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